
7K 108 19

Warning: language, mentions of rape, almost assault, suggestive sexual content, and (Y/f/n = your fake name)

"Y/n you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Hotch assured you.

"Let's just catch this guy." You sighed putting the last microphone in the room.

That's what you said two months ago. Now you were still undercover, but you were so close to nailing the guy. You only went undercover because the BAU had evidence but they didn't have enough. You were to go in and make friends so that he would tell you where the bodies were.

Today was the day that he said he would tell you about the bodies. You had specific orders to do anything to get the answers you need.

You heard a knock on the door of the fake apartment. You knew it would be the unsub.

"Tom?" You smiled at him when you opened the door.  "Come in."

"Y/f/n how are you dear?"

"I'll be better when you show me that body." You sighed.

"About that, I don't know if I should show you."

"What why? You know that you can trust me."

"You have to show me that you can be trusted." He stepped closer to you. Your back had landed against the door making it shut.

"How?" You asked innocently.

"This." He placed kisses all along your neck.

"I-i don't really want to do this. Please no." You begged.

"Don't you want to see the body?" He still held you down. You had to look him in the eyes.

"Yes." You whispered.

"Then I suggest you shut up and let me do what I want to you."

"Okay." You said. You had to do whatever it took to get information and that included sleeping with the unsub.

You closed your eyes and pretended that it was the one you loved. You pretended that it was Spencer.

You didn't know that Spencer would be listening in, but you had a idea that he was.

"We need to pull her out of this now." Spencer put the headset down. They were just across the hall doing surveillance.

"Reid if we do that we might not catch him." Morgan said.

"So you want Y/n to sleep with a serial killer so we can catch him?"

"I know it sounds wrong, but we need location of the fifth body" Hotch responded.

"Guys I think Y/n is onto something." JJ was also listening in.

You flipped him over on his back and straddled him. "Before we do this, can't you just tell me where the body is, then afterwards you can show me?" You ran your fingernails down his chest.

This particular unsub liked to be dominant and he was just a plain serial killer with a thing for knives.

"Alright I'll accept that." He nodded flipping you over. "It's in the creek just by the park. It's buried there."

"Thank you." You pushed him off of you. You could hear footsteps coming throughout the apartment. You grabbed your gun out of the nightstand and pointed at him.

"Thomas white, you are under arrest for the murders of 5 men. Anything you say..." Hotch arrested him.

"You bitch, you set me up!" You flipped him off and looked up at Spencer who was just coming through the door.

"Hey." He wrapped his FBI jacket around you.

"Hey, I'm sorry about this." You couldn't look him in the eyes.

"It's okay- wait when did you get this?" He looked at your lacy bra. He licked his lips.

"I got it yesterday, I was hoping that you'd be the only one to see it, but things happen." You bit your lip. You knew all the ways to get Spencer going and that was one of them.

"Umm hmm, it's getting really hot in here so can we go home now erm." Spencer struggles with his words as you dropped down to your knees.

"What's wrong Spencer? I'm just putting my shoes on." You tied your shoelaces and stood back up.

"Oh I thought- I erm thought umm we could do this another time."

"I can put my shoes on another time?" You asked biting your lip.

"Y/n you will be the death of me." Spencer sighed taking your face in the palm of his hands. He placed a sweet passionate kiss to your waiting lips.

"Guys come on don't do it in here." Morgan sighed with a look of disgust.

"Erm sorry." Spencer rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Yeah sorry Morgan." You took Spencer hand and led him out of the room.

"We really need a shower." You told him.

"And we need to talk about that acting with the unsub." Spencer added.

"Really Spencer?" You sighed.

A/N: I kinda like this one, but I don't know

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now