can't stand to see it happen pt.2

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Y/N pov

Sum: Reader and Chris Evans are in a relationship, but so are the Reader and Spencer. Wtf i'm awful at summaries. Weird stuff going on. Warning: Slight smut, actually not even smut just sexual references. Small amount of language. 

"Oh my god!" Garcia screeched. "What is that rock on your finger?" JJ pitched in. "Whoa whoa calm down I just walked in." I laughed. 

"Spill the beans girlfriend!" Garcia shrieked. "Well this big rock is an engagement ring. Chris proposed." I waited for the over exaggeration. "Oh my- Y/n Your getting married to Captain America, be excited!" I smiled. "I know, I know, I am I just didn't know it would be this soon."

"Almost two years Y/n, you guys will make the best babies this world has ever seen!" Garcia hugged me. "Hey what's going on over here?" Morgan walked over to the group of girls. "Y/n is engaged to Chris." Blake walked up. "You told her before me?" Garcia was hurt. 

"No, I didn't tell anyone." I shrugged. I sat my stuff down on my desk, sighing when Rossi strolled over to me. "Congratulations Y/n, you guys make a great couple." 

"Thank you Rossi." I smiled. 

I walked over to Spencer who never looked up from his book. "Hey?" 

"When did he propose?" Spencer cleared his throat. "Last night." I looked away from him. Spencer stood up and I stopped him. "Please don't, I'm sorry." He shrugged away. I know I hurt him and I didn't mean to. 

"What for, all you did was make love with me and then go back and get engaged." I let some tears fall before going into the bathroom sobbing. 

I pulled out my phone calling Emily. "Emily, I need someone to talk to." 

2 days before the wedding I started feeling awful. I was cheating on Chris and I'm too selfish to tell him. 

"Spence." I opened the door and he shoved me against the wall. "Where is Chris?" He growled. "In Boston... for the weekend..." I moaned. "I love you so much, you know that right?" He closed the door lifting me to the couch. We made sweet love on the couch for the night. 3 times and 2 more in the bedroom. 

"I need to take a shower, want to join me?" I asked, I was tired but I needed to take shower. Spencer brushed a hair out of my face. "Of course." he kissed my forehead. My phone started buzzing on the table. "Leave it." Spencer mumbled in my hair. "I can't, it's Chris." 


"Hey, you sleep?" 

"No I'm just laying down, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I'm on the plane home, I'll be there soon." Spencer rolled his eyes. "Emily is calling, can I call you back?"

"Yeah sure. and Y/n are you alright babe?"

"Yeah of course, I um... love you bye."

"Love you too babe, and Y/n..."


"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love you so much."

"I do too, bye see you soon." I hung up sighing. "You know this would be a lot easier if you just left him." I rolled my eyes. "I know Genius, I know." 

When we got the shower going I was about to step in when I heard the door close. "Shit!" I put my robe on. "Take a shower and I'll come up with something." 

"Or you could just tell him." I glared. "I'll take a shower." Reid stepped in. 

"Y/n you home babe?" I rushed out of the room. "Yeah babe, Uh I thought you would be home later?" I crossed my arms, I was hoping he wouldn't smell the stink of sex on me.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now