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You watched Spencer walk through the BAU doors. Something was very different about him. The hair was different and he had a new accessory. Glasses.

"Is Spencer Reid wearing glasses?" You asked in shock. It kind of turned you on the way he moved so confidently. "Spencer Reid is wearing glasses." He responded with a smile.

"Spencer you look adorable in them." You saw his cheeks turn deep red at your comment.

"Thank you Y/n; Actually when glasses were invented they weren't used very often unless used as reading glasses." Spencer informed you. You smiled at Reid giving facts. 

Spencer giving you statistics is one of your favorite things about him and you always adored the way he stated them.

"Y/n!" JJ called you. You got up to go see what she wanted.

"Pretty boy, I see you geeking out Y/n." Morgan slapped a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry I won't tell her about your little crush."

"I don't have a crush on anyone." Spencer fired back defensively. 

"Sure you keep telling yourself that, but pretty boy she likes you too." Spencer looked over his shoulder to see you smiling at JJ. He smiled and turned back to Morgan. 

"See there's no denying that you got the hots for her." Morgan smirked. 

"Morgan stop, Y/n doesn't like me. I'm a huge nerd and she's gorgeous and the only time she's ever notice me is when I'm wearing these stupid glasses." Spencer whispered shouted to Morgan.

"Alright Reid calm down a little, just tell her that you like her." Morgan consoled. 

"That's easy for you to say, you're Derek Morgan." Morgan raised an eyebrow at him before snatching the glasses off Reid's face. 

"Watch and learn." Morgan put the glasses on and made his way to you. It was a little blurry and it was starting to give him a headache 

"Hey girls, sorry to intrude on the conversation, but look at my new glasses." He showed you and JJ.

"Morgan you just took those off of Reid." You pointed out "And they look hideous on you." You shook your head and went back to talking to JJ.

Morgan went back to Reid feeling a little hurt. "See man, all she will ever want is you."

"She really didn't like those glasses on you." Spencer laughed.

"Yeah I guess not, but Reid you need to move and I mean move fast." Morgan gave him his glasses back. 

Spencer sighed while making his way to you. You notice him approaching so you stopped talking to JJ. She understood why and let you talk.

"Hey Spencer, how are you?"

"I-I'm good, listen Y/n I um I- did you know that people used to call glasses spectacles?" He mentally slapped himself in the face.

"Spencer are you trying to tell me something? You're rambling."

"I- I guess I'm trying t-to ask you on a date."

"You guess?" You smiled really confused.

"I am trying to ask you on a date." He looked at the ground instead of in your eyes. 

You gently pushed his head up to meet yours. You grinned at his blushing features. "If that's the case then yeah I'll go on a date with you."

"Really?" He lit up. You smiled and bit your lip. "Even without the glasses?" He asked.

"Yeah why not? I liked you before the glasses." You giggled.



Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now