Wedding Day

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Warning: slight language

You were starting to become tired of the wedding plans but it was worth it when it came to the actual day.

A knock on the door woke you from you daze.

"Come in." You called out.

Your dad walked in holding the flowers you would walk down with. You smiled up at him and he almost started to cry.

"Aww dad please don't cry, they just did my makeup." You sniffed.

"I know I just can't help it, you've grown up to be a beautiful woman and you are getting married."

You nodded and hugged him. "Now it's time that I hand you off."

You wrapped your arm in his and grabbed the bouquet. You walked down to Spencer with your head held high. You loved the sight of Spencer in his black suit. Before you realized it you were at the altar.

"Hi." Spencer grinned.

"Hi." You whispered.

"We gather here today..." the preacher started and you just watched Spencer and the way he looked at you. You knew there was no one else you would love the same.

Before you knew it you were saying vows. "I never had good relationships in the past." You started. "You knew that and you became my best friend and showed me so much love. And damn I fell for you and I didn't care if I was afraid to love you, because I know you love me too."

Spencer chuckled nervously. "The first time I saw you walking through to BAU doors was the time that I knew I would love you forever. I do love you forever Y/n. For a minute I thought Morgan almost had you... but lucky for me you turned him down." Spencer looked back at his best man who was also Derek.

"By the power vested in me I now declare you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Spencer took you into his arms and kissed you like it was his last time. "I love you Mrs. Reid" He whispered.

"I love you too Dr. Reid."

A/N:sorry this was short I know I said for my 100th oneshot post I wanted something big, but I realized I just wanted a small wedding. Sorry for the confusion.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now