A little Younger pt.2

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Some people requested this so shoutout to them. Keep requesting things, I'll listen. Part 2 to 'A little younger'. 

You followed the trail of young adults entering the FBI headquarters. Since you major in Phycology, along with your other classmates the college allowed the professor to visit the FBI headquarters. It was only supposed to be one section and that was the BAU. 

"Hello everyone I'm Agent Hotchner from the BAU and this is Agent Jareau also with the BAU. You weren't really paying attention to the speaker, but you knew him by his name. The woman spoke and you started to listen to what she was saying. 

"We even have our own genius, Dr. Spencer Reid." You looked around the crowd in front of you taking notes and saw the woman was moving on.

You tried to hear what they were saying but you couldn't really wrap your thoughts around it. You were too busy looking at the desk beside you that had nothing out of place and was filled with books. You dared to touch just one book. "Miss Y/l/n, I shouldn't be telling a 19 year old to pay attention in class." Your professor spoke up.

"Yes Ma'am, I'm sorry I just got really distracted by this lovely book collection." The woman had appeared next to you.

"Yeah that's Dr. Reid's desk- speaking of Dr. Reid there he is walking right to us." The tall hot man greeted everybody with a wave. 

"Hi." He said when he saw you.

"Hi." You said softly, looking at the ground when you did. 

"Y/l/n please keep up with the class." Your professor called to you. 

"I have to go, but do you have a pen and paper?" You asked him looking around. 

"Uh sure here's a pen and notepad." You took it and quickly scribbled numbers on it.

"I'm free tomorrow night, you should call me if you aren't busy." You pushed through your shyness and asked him out. 

"T-thank you I'll try to be off tomorrow." He said with a smile. 

"Y/n the professor is starting to get really mad at you if you don't hurry up." You turned to one of your classmates and bit your lip in nervousness. 

"I have to go, bye Dr. Reid."

"Please call me Spencer."


Later on that night you got a call from a number you didn't know. "Hello?" You answered.

"Hey Y/n it's Spencer..."

"Spencer!" You sat up in bed. "Um hey hey what's up." 

"I'm off tomorrow so maybe we could have that date?"

"Um s-sure." You mentally high five yourself. "I-i was thinking m-maybe I could pick you up." 

"Yeah that's cool." 

"Bye Y/n"

"Bye." You leaped out of your bed and raced down the hall to your moms room. 

"Mom guess what?!"

"What?!" She said confused. "I have a date tomorrow!" Your mom smiled and you went sprinting down back to your room to call your friend. 

The next day you got prepared for your date by wearing something casual like a nice short casual dress. You wore converse and your favorite lipstick color. "Mom I'm heading out!" You left before you cold say anything. You got outside and saw that Spencer was standing waiting for you. "Hi, you look beautiful."

"You look really nice too." You spent seconds looking at each other until you spoke. "Shall we go?" You asked. "Oh yes, I um planned to have dinner at this restaurant not too far away from here." You nodded and you started walking towards the restaurant. You talked about life and things and experiences. You told him what you wanted to do in life and what you wanted. You shared common interest and you started falling for him from day one and Spencer felt it too.

"I hope this isn't weird? The whole I'm 19 and you're 36 thing." You asked on your way back home. "No not at all, age really doesn't matter as long as you love the person or like I meant like..." It went to an awkward silence and then you approached your apartment.

"Thanks for tonight it was really fun, I enjoyed it so much." You told him

"You're welcome, thank you for being one of the only ones who understands me." He gave you a tiny hug and made sure you got in your apartment before he left.

A couple of months would pass and you would show Spencer off to your mom and she would love him. Then Spencer would show you off to his friends who were still shocked how younger you were. 

"17 years?" his friends would ask. "17 years apart." Spencer would tell him, and they accepted it after a while and they grew to love you. 

"It's only a little younger guys come on." You said while wrapped in Spencer's arms. 

A/N: I cut most of the plot out cause it's spring break and I probably wasn't going to finish it anyway. Hope you like it for those who requested it. 

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