Traitor of a Friend pt. 2*

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Spencer slammed you against the wall of the storage room kissing you with much passion. Your hips parted from the wall but Spencer pushed them back down. 

"Eager today aren't we?"

"Well we don't have all day." You smirked.

"We've been gone 23 minutes." You looked at the clock and realized that you had been in the storage room making out for almost an half hour. "Spencer we told JJ and Blake we would be in the file room." You opened the door seeing the coast was clear so you walked out motioning for Spencer to tag along. 

"Spencer button your fly." You told him before walking in the room with the rest of the team. "You guys were gone pretty long, what happened?" Blake asked.

"Spencer knocked over a whole bin of files so we had to pick them up." You lied adding a small chuckle. 

"Haha, I bet it was funny. Y/n, Morgan was looking for you but he went in his office." You nodded and grabbed your phone. "I wonder what he needs." You walked to his office and saw that he was working on some files.

"Hey what's up?" You knocked on the door even though it was wide open.

"You can shut the door." He said. You turned and closed the door softly praying that he wasn't going to talk about you and Spencer. 

You closed your eyes for a second before walking to him. You sat on his lap like you usually did when he was working on files. 

"So Hotch wanted me to tell you that we need to start being more professional with our relationship. So no more lap sitting or cheek kissing when it's not appropriate." You let out a gasp of relief. 

"Okay, I can do that, we can do that." You kissed his cheek and made your way to the door. "I thought you said we could do this?"

"It was an appropriate time baby." You shut the door and walked out the room grinning.

"I see the talk with Morgan went well?" Rossi asked. You smiled and grazed your nails against Spencer's neck making him shiver. 

Spencer licked his lips watching you sit down and cross your legs. Spencer shifted in his seat and turned back to what he was doing. 

"Y/n can you go copy some things for me? Usually I would ask Anderson, but he called in sick today." Hotch asked. "Sure Hotch whatever you need." 

"Spencer you want to come help?" You saw he wasn't doing anything so you asked. "Why does Spencer need to go?" Rossi asked.

"Well he wasn't doing anything so I thought he might like to help make copies with me." You shrugged and started walking towards the copy room. Spencer decided to follow you instead of being looked at by the team.

"So what did Morgan say to you?" You shook your head and put the paper on the thing. "Just saying that Hotch wants us to cut down on the PDA."

"Nothing about us?" You turned around to look at him. "Your name wasn't even mentioned." You spun back around to type in how many copies to make. You could feel Spencer's body on your back. His chilling breath was sending bolts of chills in you. "Don't leave marks that I can't cover Spencer." You moaned as his lips trailed down your neck and collarbone. You felt that he was taking too long so you changed positions and had him up against the file cabinet.

You felt him through his pants and he hissed. "Eager today aren't we?" You unbuckled his pants and slid down his boxers. All of a sudden you were against the cabinet. You were lost in his hazel eyes that had turned a hint darker from lust. "I love you Y/n." You pulled him down for a breathtaking kiss. He tapped your thighs signaling that he wants your legs wrapped around him. Your fingers played with his hair as his tongue dove deeper in your mouth. It tasted like your favorite flavor and more. 

"Y/n!" You and Spencer's necks snapped to look at Morgan in the doorway. You both looked like little kids getting caught stealing from the cookie jar. "Derek!" You shouted jumping down from Spencer's grip. You ran after him but he was already around the team. "Derek stop and listen to me please!" You grabbed him by his arm and he spun around on his heels almost knocking you over. 

"Listen to what Y/n? Your lies?" He shouted drawing attention to you. "Derek let's not do this here." You said seeing the team gathering around you guys. 

"You know what Y/n if you wanted someone else then you should have told me." Your eyes started feeling with tears. "I didn't want to hurt you." 

"Derek don't blame Y/n for this it was my fault." You looked up at Spencer who had come behind you. 

"Guys what the hell is going on!?" Hotch demanded an answer. "Yeah Y/n, Reid, what the hell is going on?" Morgan asked. 

"Derek please." You whispered. "I don't want to make a scene."

"Pretty fucking late for that!" 

"I thrusted you, I gave you everything,  I loved you." You covered your mouth from letting out loud sobs. 

"Morgan, Y/n, slow down and tell us what this is about." Hotch said. You looked t Morgan who was still soaring with anger. You knew the team would be watching and this was your time to come clean. You had dreaded this moment but you knew the day would come.

"You were supposed to be my best friend Spencer, my little brother. How could you do this to me." Morgan clutched his fist. 

"Morgan I never meant for it to end like this." Spencer had tears streaming out of his eyes. "Like what Spencer!" Morgan stepped to Spencer but you lightly pushed him back.

"No." You said calmly. You instantly realized what you had done and your eyes widen. 

"Y/n you were cheating on Morgan?" Garcia asked from behind you. "With Spencer?"

"Why doesn't everyone just mind their own business!" You turned around. "Stop trying to know mine." Spencer pulled you back from running off. "Let go Spencer." You sucked in a breath. 

"We can't hide this anymore, he knows, they know, Y/n everyone knows." 

"You're right." You looked at JJ who was worried, then to Blake who had a shocked expression, Rossi had a smirk like he knew all along, Hotch had no expression, Garcia was crying, and Derek was in making his way to his office. 

"I'm sorry guys, for everything, I should have known that my actions have consequences." You couldn't look any of them in the eye for the shame was too great. 

"I'm gonna go talk to him Spence, just go wait in the car." You told Spencer.

You walked to the door and knocked twice. "Derek?"

"Derek, I know you don't want to talk to me right now, but all I need you to do is listen." You started. "Spencer and I are sorry for everything and I knew that this would happen but I was too selfish to see it. You deserve better than me, you deserve better than anyone. So do me a favor, get you someone that isn't like me, I would never want you to hurt like this again. I know Savannah next door is pretty cool and I've seen you look at her." You chuckled. "You need a win, not a loss." You left and saw that the team was still staring at you.

"I'll be putting in my transfer tomorrow," You told Hotch while you were getting your things. "Again I'm really sorry for this." You walked out smelling of guilt and shame. You were a traitor of a friend. 

A/N: Sorry this isn't really put together. I'm sorry Derek Morgan I love you so much and this was just really stuck in my mind. Sorry. 

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