A little younger

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You looked up as two men entered your moms perfume store. The older one in the tight suit looked around and talked to the lighter skinner one. Your mom had finished with her customer so she headed to them.

"Can I help you?" She asked. 

"Agent Hotchner and Dr.Reid with the FBI, we're investigating a series of murders that seems revolve around perfumes." Your mom started talking endlessly about perfumes so you went back to studying. 

"Hi." You didn't realize the skinny one had walked over to you until he brought you out of your thoughts. You pulled your earbuds out of your ears and gave your attention to him. "Hi."

"Are you studying?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm in the start of my 3rd year of college."

"What are you majoring in?" You stared into his hazel eyes and got lost in them. The way his words were so soft when he spoke. 

"Uh, um I'm going into psychology." You got choked up on your words when he licked his lips. You looked over to your mom who was still busy talking. "So you're with the FBI?"

"Yes, agent Hotchner and I. We're with the BAU."

"Profliers?"You stood up to meet his eyes.


"Oh my god, that's so cool."

"I'm Spencer."

"Y/n." You waved when he didn't put his hand out for you to shake.

"The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering it's actually safer to kiss." He started rambling about pathogens after that and you fell into a daze just listening to him. 

"Reid let's go." The woman called for him. It forced Spencer to stop rambling. 

"Wait, before I go, take this card and call us if you have any information." He gave you a card awkwardly. You smiled and took the card. "Wait, how old are you?"

"36, you?"

"19." You said with a frown. 36 and 19 was a big age gap and society would never approve. 

"Nice meeting you." He said frowning. 

"Nice to meet you too." You had a hint of sadness in your voice. 

You sighed going back to studying. 

"I saw you trying to get that girl back there." Hotch admitted. 

"Yeah, but it won't happen." Spencer didn't care about the age gap, it was 17 years, but he didn't care.

"Yeah she was too young."

"Just a littler younger." 

"Reid, by 17 years." Spencer shrugged. 

"It doesn't matter to me, she was beautiful and I loved her first impression, she was actually listening to me ramble. I liked her." 

A/N: Sorry this one was so short I was running out of time. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now