Late to Class

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Warnings: Langauge, Season 13 Spoilers

Spencer stopped mid lecture to watch you shuffle into your seat. He just sat and watched you along with the class. "I'd really appreciate it if my students were on time to class." He rolled his eyes and returned to what he was talking about on the board. 

You rolled your eyes and opened your laptop to start taking notes off of the board. You loved the study of Phycology, but lately everything has been starting to irritate you. It didn't help that you thought your Teacher could be an asshole sometimes. 

Your friend tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey I got down the first part of his lecture, I could give you my notes to copy." She told you. 

"Thank you." You whispered back to her. 

Soon the class was ending and you tried to blend in with the rest of the young adults, but Spencer stopped you. "Ms. Y/l/n may I have a word with you?"

You took a deep breath saying bye to your friends who gave you a half smile, feeling bad that you would have to deal with Dr. Reid, but you weren't worried on bit. "Do I have a choice?" Your voice annoyed and cold.

"Why were you late to class?" He asked wiping down the board. "I thought I told you to stop being late."

"You did, I didn't wake up in time." You mumbled trying not to get in any more trouble. 

Spencer put the eraser down. Tucking his hands in his pockets he stood in front of you. "You gotta do better Y/n." 

"Are you saying this as my professor or my boyfriend?" 

"What do you think babe?" He chuckled in annoyance. 

You couldn't do anything but grip him by his suit jacket and smash your lips into his. Your lips moved in sync as you moved you hands to his soft brown locks, His hands hovering over your hips. You pulled away first to catch your breath.

"Tell me what's wrong." Spencer begged. His forehead rested on yours.

"I'm just so stressed, I didn't mean to let it out on you." You held his hand. "I love you." 

He tilted your head up to kiss you. "Maybe a nice warm shower and massage will help with that stress." Spencer mumbled into your mouth.

You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around him. "Okay, let's go Dr. Reid."

Spencer pulled away and got his bag. "Should I give a pop quiz tomorrow?" Spencer asked wrapping an arm around you.

"What!? No!" Your eyes went wide.

"I'm kidding." He chuckled and kissed your forehead. "I love you."

A/N: I can't wait for Criminal minds to come back home so I can see more ¡Professor!Reid like I want it so bad. Just imagine him teaching and being so hot while doing it 

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