A family matter pt.4

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Black Reader


Warning: season 12 spoilers

You hugged Diana after Spencer let go of her. You're glad she's safe now and back with you and Spencer. You were now almost 6 months and you were starting to show.

"Are you ready to go?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah I just gotta get a couple things from Emily and I'll be back." You told him.

You walked into Emily's office seeing that almost all the team was in there. "If it isn't my big cousin?" You smiled when you saw him.

"Y/n it's so good to see you, and little you." He looked down at the baby bump. "Wow the kid must be excited and nervous."

"His anxious about it, but overall he's glad he's becoming a father."

"I'd love to visit with you more, but we have a bigger problem here."

"I don't need the stress of another problem so I'm leaving." You grabbed your keys from Emily's desk and waved goodbye to everyone.

You walked back to where Spencer was still waiting for you. "Come on love, lets go home." You told him. You intertwined your hand in his while he helped his mother get on the elevator

You spent most of the night trying to solve the bedroom problem. While Spencer was in prison you spent your nights on the couch at the BAU in Morgans old office. Spencer decided that he would pull out the sofa bed and let his mother have the room.

"Spencer sweetie... we're getting a house and that's final..." you told him. "There is barely any room for three people, how could there be room for 4?" You followed him into the tiny bathroom.

"Okay okay I know but not tonight, I just want to cuddle up with you and watch Tv." You grinned and sighed.

"Get in the shower Spence you smell like prison people." You turned to walk away

"Y/n I'm sorry." Spencer whispered

"For what Spence?" You turned back to him.

"For putting you through this, you didn't deserve it."

"A lover does what they have to to keep the relationship steady, I should've went to see you more than I did." You told him.

Spencer gave you a small smile before you closed the door.

In the morning you woke up feeling sick. You loved Spencer and his mother but you missed the comfortable bed as well.

The only reason you were getting off the couch was because someone knocked on the door.

"Derek!" You grinned from ear to ear.

"Hey Y/n, how are you?" He hugged you.

"I'm good what are you doing here, you should be at home with Savanna."

"Well I've come to check up on pretty boy and his mother."

"Oh he's just in the room talking to her about what happened." You looked down at the bags that he was holding.

"You brought breakfast!" You took the food from his hand and brought it to the kitchen.

"Derek?" Spencer walked out of the bedroom. "Hey kid, hope I wasn't interrupting anything." Morgan went for a bro hug.

"I bought you and Y/n and your mom some breakfast, I was hoping we could talk." He explained.

You stood in the kitchen shuffling through the bag trying to find something good in it.

"Derek this breakfast is crap!" You pouted.

"Okay now why is my baby cousin so sour? Is it pretty boy?"

"What?! No she's just cranky cause she has someone little in her." Spencer defended himself.

"I'm cranky cause I want something light and this is all heavy!" You had gotten irritated now.

"I'll be back in going to the store." You rolled your eyes grabbing your purse. "You guys can have guy talk now or whatever."

You went to the store to get some light food and came back to Spencer crying on Morgans shoulder.

"I gotta go kid, but maybe Christmas you guys could come out and your little one can meet hank." Morgan patted his back and gave him a quick hug.

"Yeah maybe." Spencer nodded.

You all said your goodbyes and you turned to Spencer. "I love you Spencer Reid."

"I love you Y/n Reid."

A/N: I don't have anything to say today

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