In my feelings*

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Warning: Language, sexual content,!Season 13 spoilers!

"I can't protect you anymore...I'm sorry." The words left Emily's mouth and the team was instantly doomed. 

"Are we under investigation?" Rossi asked. 

You sat quietly in your seat taking in the news. You did't know what it would be like without Emily being in charge. Of course you'd gotten use to Hotch and missed him lots, but Emily was a great unit chief who doesn't deserve this. 

You didn't know how it'd be with JJ especially since she didn't want to take the job from Emily. 

Finally you couldn't take anymore and decided to get up and leave. You wanted to punch assistant director Barns. You just had to get your frustrations out one way or another. 

"Y/n!" Spencer called after you as you were walking to the door. "Wait up." The elevator doors closed and you guys were alone. 

He stepped closer to you already knowing what was wrong. His hand cupped your cheek as he looked you in your eyes. You nuzzled your face in his hand. No one knew about you and Spencer and you'd planned on keeping in that way. 

The two of you didn't speak until you got home. Your hands gripped Spencer's tie and pulled him towards you until you fell against the bed. You ripped his clothes from his body in a frenzy of lust. You just wanted him. 

Spencer kissed down your jawline until he got to the base of your neck. He sucked bruises into your neck causing you to moan out. His hands also worked you out of you clothes until you were naked in front of him. 

"Spence...please..." You begged as he took his time kissing down your body. "Do something!" You pulled tightly on his hair. 

He kissed down to your soaking core and placed light kisses on your thighs. He was teasing you to no end, which you had had a enough of. 

Grabbing his hair you placed his mouth where you needed it most. Once his warm mouth started working it's magic on your body you felt you could relax. You moaned out in pleasure as Spencer's tongue licked and his mouth sucked. 

"Oh god Spencer!" You gasped out as he entered two fingers into you. "Don't stop baby!" 

Spencer sped up his pace of his tongue and his fingers. They were now working to push you over the edge. 

You gripped his hair and tipped over into the blissfulness of your orgasm. "Shit you're so good!" You moaned, your eyes closed as you caught your breath.

Spencer wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before leaning down to kiss you. He rolled the condom over his length before he lined himself up. His eyes searching yours for permission.

You quickly nodded pulling him back in for another kiss. The kiss broke when you moaned at the feeling of Spencer entering you. You held him close as he bottomed out and waited for you to adjust. "Spence..." You moaned as he started moving. 

Spencers hips started thrusting in and out of you, pulling the most beautiful sounds Spencer loves to hear. His head dipped down to suck dark bruises into your neck. "You feel so good." He groaned. He groaned lightly when your nails drew down his back. 

"Spencer... I'm so close..." You moaned out for him.

"Me too." Spencer held your hands by the side of your head. His hips pounded into you faster and never stopped until your were screaming out for him. He moaned your name like a prayer as he spilled inside the condom. 

You two pulled away. Thin sheets of sweat covering you. Spencer got up throwing the used condom away and grabbing a washcloth to clean you up. He laid next to you and pulled you closer to his body.

"Do you think the BAU is spitting up?" You asked.

"I don't know." He said staring at the ceiling. 

"I'm scared, I don't love any other job."

"Shh just go to sleep we'll talk about it later."

A/N: Sorry this took so long to write. I get so distracted and then life comes into the mix and yeah sorry. Hope you guys enjoyed.

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