Traitor of a Friend pt.3

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You stared at the big house that you hadn't seen in years. It still had a feeling to it that made you shiver. "Y/n?" Spencer drew you out of your thoughts.

"Yes?" You turned to him. "Are you sure you want to do this?" You looked back at the house and nodded.

Spencer shut the engine off before running to open your door for you. You swallowed hard seeing the cars that you had previously known. "Spencer wait." You paused before you could get to the door. "I'm scared." You told him. He embraced you in a hug and kiss that carried love and comfort.

"We could go home if you want?" Spencer wanted to go home more than you did. He loved the team, but now it was going to be a awkward reunion. Spencer felt that he was already awkward enough.

"No, I want to face this. I need to face this Spencer." He grinned and pressed a chaste kiss on your lips. "Why are you grinning like an idiot?" You giggled. 

"Because you're beautiful and I love you." You gleamed with awe. "I Love you too Spencer."

You took a deep breath and rung the doorbell. Spencer pressed a form grip to your lower back to easy your anxiety. The door opened and showed a older looking Rossi, but not that old. 

"Hey Rossi, It's nice to see you again."

"Y/n, It's been too long coming in please." Rossi pressed a kiss to each cheek. You laughed and hugged him back. 

"Y/n!" JJ's eyes lit up when she saw you. "I've missed seeing you around." You hugged her and enjoyed her embrace. They could have came to the apartment anytime. Anytime. And they did, but they would never see you. You would trap yourself in the room you and Spencer shared or leave the house for something 'urgent'. 

"I've missed you too and I really miss seeing Henry and Spencer told me about the baby." 

"Yes, I'll have to tell you all about him." JJ smiled. 

"Y/n, It's great to see you, I hope you've taken in consideration my offer?" Hotch asked. You nodded and gave him a hug. "Oh and please meet our newest team member Tara Lewis." You smiled and shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you, you must be the one that sits on Reid's desk in the photo frame?"

You grinned at the thought of him putting you on his desk. "Well I hope I'm the one." You joked. She wouldn't understand your reference so she couldn't say anything. 

"Oh Y/n!" Garcia screamed. "My poor sweetie I missed you so much. Why didn't you ever visit?"

"I was afraid that you guys would be mad and want nothing to do to me." You hugged her. 

"Oh sweetie I forgave you the day it happened, well not the day, but the week it happened." She let go of you. 

"Morgan is in the back talking with Savannah and Will and Sam." You nodded and looked to Spencer. He nodded and you took a breath before walking into the backyard. The air smelled clean of all the waste that it held. Your heart pounded deeper into you when you saw Morgan at the table. 

"Y/n?" Savannah walked over to you. "Y/n I haven't seen you in forever, I really miss our girl chats. We should really start talking more." She said. 

"I know, and I'm sorry that I left, I assume Morgan told you what happened?" She frowned softly and put a hand on your shoulder. "It was nice to see you again, we should really start talking more." You smiled and she walked away. 

"Hey." Morgan had gotten up. 

"Hey." You looked down. "Listen Morgan, I just want to say I'm so so sorry and I know you've heard this a lot but I need you to understand that I never meant to hurt you."

"Shh Y/n, I get it. It's all cool,  Spencer and I made up and I forgive you."

"Y-You do?" You asked. "One day Spencer told me he had a crush on a girl, he never said what girl. I should have known it was you, but I was being selfish and I wanted you. The way you started looking at him when you thought I wasn't looking, I realized that your heart wasn't fully with me. And I took it rough, but I got through it. And all this time I thought I was a heartbreaker." He chuckled at the end. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him. 

"Thank you for forgiving me."

"Anytime Y/n." He let go first and then you saw Spencer running toward you. 

"Spencer!" You were engulfed in a big kiss and lifted off the ground. "I'm so proud of you." He whispered in your ear. 

Rossi walked up to Morgan and slapped a big hand on his shoulder. "Aren't you glad things didn't work out between you two?" Morgan watched as you giggled when Spencer spun you around planting kisses on your cheek. The rest of the team had joined them on the wooden pavement behind Rossi's house. "Of course, She's happy and I'm happy. Spencer deserved her more than I did and we both know that Rossi."

"Right, I just wonder when baby Spencer is going to be on the way?" Rossi smirked. "I don't know, I'm betting in maybe 3 months they'll find out."

"I bet 2 months tops." Rossi said. 

"The way Y/n is glowing right now, I'd say a few weeks." JJ said from the side of Rossi. She had heard their conversation and wanted to place her bet.

"Alright, closest wins." 

A/N:  I gave Morgan a happy ending cause he deserves it 

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