Tell him part 2

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Sum: short ending to Tell him. Kinda team too, but mostly spencer. 

2nd person 

You stretched out along the couch with Spencer's arm draped across your stomach. Almost a year without the team and You were dying from it. You missed How Garcia's heels clicked across the floor when she was telling the team that there was a case. How Morgan would use pet names on you and then flirt nonstop just to get on Reid's nerves. You missed the rare smiles of Hotch, and you missed when Rossi was being sassy. You were happy in a way though, you had Spencer, and JJ, and Emily, since Emily moved back to London. You had your some-what of a husband and your best friends right by your side. 

You sighed loudly as you watched TV, Spencer instantly checking to see if you were okay. "Yeah I'm fine Spencer, just tired." You say and cuddle back into the couch. "No Y/n you're not, what's wrong?" You broke down in tears as he held you. "I want to go back home, Spencer, I can't do this anymore." He held you in his arms ad you cried into his chest. "I Know and we are going to fix this." He kissed the top of your head and you felt safe against them, but soon you knew it had to end as he picked up his go bag and held out his arms for a hug. 

"I'll see when I'll be able to come back and see you, I love you." He kissed your plump lips and headed out the door. "Spencer I love you, be safe." He smiled and nodded. Once he was gone you sat down and cried into the couch pillow. 


3rd person 

"Hey pretty boy, where have you been?" Morgan walked past a speeding Reid. "I uh... went to see my mother." Morgan raised his eyebrow at the genius. "You've been going out to see her for a while, is everything alright?" 

"Yeah, yeah, she's great, just peachy." He lied. "Well I'll leave you alone." Morgan felt the whole conversation was weird and went to find Penelope. "Baby girl, can you do something for me?"

"Yeah sure anything sweetness." She turned to he computer. "I need you to back trace anything Reid has been doing. Cause he's lying about something."

"Well Morgan he did just lose the love of his life, maybe he's hiding his grieving, and plus I feel bad about doing this." She went through his searches, location and text and was horrified by what she saw. "He's been visiting London, calling a phone in the London area code, and has done lots of things in London." 

"His mother is not in London, I knew he was keeping something from us-." Morgan sighed feeling bad about who he could trust. After he left to confront Reid, Garcia found some valuable information. 

Spencer Pov 

"Guys we have a break in Y/n's case." Garcia almost screamed. My head snapped up, but my eyes were met with Morgans. "Hey is there something you want to tell us?"

"No, what do I have to tell you?"

"Oh nothing." He walked away leaving me confused. "What about Y/n Garcia?"

"We have a break in her case, because witnesses spotted Jake Rogers brutally stab someone and then carve Y/n's name into the lady's chest. The cops picked him up and he's being transferred here as we speak." I stared at the screen intently, I know she's alive, but seeing him made me turn red in anger. 


"Jake Rogers?" I walked in with Hotch and Morgan. "I'm not talking to anyone but Lucy." 

"First of all her name is Y/n and you killed her, you son of a bitch." Morgan leaned on the table. "She left me for that pip squeak over there in the corner, bet your not rough with her like I was, she liked it when I was rough with her."

"Reid out." Hotch told me since I put my hand on my gun strap. "Now Reid." I followed the order and watched from the other side of the glass. Morgan followed after and joined me. 

After Hotch got done with Jake, we all centered back at the round table.

"I just have one question, where's Y/n Reid."

"What do you mean where is she, she's dead." I yelled at Morgan.

"Is she cause you haven't been going to see your Mom, you've been going to see Y/n London."

"She dead Morgan, back off!" I pushed him. "Morgan stop!" Garcia screeched. 

"Stop!" I stopped pushing at him when I heard Y/n voice.

2nd person 

You looked at everyone in horror, seeing a new face instead too. "He only knows because, I made JJ promise to tell him." You saw how Morgan looked betrayed. "I'm so sorry." 

"We watched you die..." Garcia started crying. "I know, I know. I'm so ashamed of myself."

"You played us again." Morgans voice got louder. "And now Reid is a part of the lies." 

"Morgan I'm so sorry I had to lie, for my safety." You cried, Spencer's arms around you in a comforting hug. You let go to hug Morgan who accepted but pulled away soon after. "Well since everyone knows I'm alive, you should know something else." You fumbled with your fingers. "I wanted Spencer to know that I was alive and JJ kept that promise for me... It's not his fault or JJ's fault..." You spoke softly. "I love you guys and you all are like family to me, understand that." 

"We understand and will help you get through this." Rossi came over to hug you, he was always like a father to you. "Thank You."

"And thank you for being the best fiancé ever." 

"And longest, when are you two getting married?" Morgan finally started to come along. He never could stay mad at you. Neither could Garcia as you felt everyone wrap around you in a long hug. 

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