Dying of a Bet

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Sum: Reader and Spencer make a bet. Enjoy. He has season 7 hair. I'm sorry my picture thing isn't working so I can't show you what his hair would look like. sorry. 

2nd person 

Betting with Spencer was hard, you knew that, but he had a weakness to what he did. To go a week without reading a book was his weakness as well as no social media was yours. You didn't know anyone on the team except for Emily, who introduced you to him. So to keep him from cheating you made her keep an eye on him, while your best friend promised to tell him if you ever turned your phone on for anything other than texting. 

You kept your promise of not even thinking of looking on Snapchat, or Instagram, or Facebook. It was hard for you since you loved all those apps and you couldn't live without them, so you thought. 

Spencer on the other half could not live without reading one book a week. Emily told you this and you finally declared victory.

"Y/n do I have to do this?" You sat him down in a comfortable chair. "You lost the bet babe, shouldn't have made it." You tugged at his short brown hair. "It's not fair, you played me on my weakness." He protested. "I know." You laughed wickedly. The best was if you lost he got to cut 1/4 of your hair, but if he lost you got to dye his hair any color you wanted. "Please do black, I think I will look okay with black." Dying your hair wouldn't have much of a consequence since you wouldn't care what color your hair was, you weren't easily embarrassed as he was. "Spencer, this is one of the first times I have beat you in a bet, I'm not going easy."

"Please Y/n, I will make it up to you in another way." He licked his lips, the offer was tempting to you, but you gained more pleasure from the thought of him being flustered when asked about his hair. 

"Y/n Please no." He wined, it was bothering you so you pulled his hair back and kissed him. "Shh." You let his head go back up into place. You turned on his favorite show, basically treating him like a kid, when you distract the kid. "Y/n will everyone laugh at me after you're done?"

"Trust me, your embarrassment is my pleasure, so... yes maybe." He sighed and you started to bleach his hair. After making him rinse it out in the sink you made him dry it off and sit back in the chair. You smiled as you looked at your choices. Your mind wondered wickedly as you looked at the colors: blue, red, blond, gray, black, green, and pink. You looked back at Spencer and then to the colors. You bit your lip grabbing the color that was on your mind. 

You started and then soon Reid started getting bored again. You gave him a book to read so he wouldn't start asking you to stop again. "Why are you acting like a child today?"

"Because you are treating me like a child, basic phycology." He paused his reading, which he was already halfway done with the book. "I hate profilers." You laughed and finished putting the pink on a strip of hair. 

"It's not like you tried to hide it, the tv and the book, you're just trying to keep me occupied." You sighed and finished another strip of hair. 

After another 30 minutes you were done dying his hair. It took almost 2 hours  "Let's go wash it out... bring the chair." You walked to the bathroom where you had taped paper to the mirror so he couldn't see the hair color. "You thought of everything didn't you?" You smiled and nodded. "Sit in this chair and lean back." He did as you told him and sat back. The chair you bought was a special chair that hairstylist use. 

You began to wash out the pink from his hair, making sure it was still in but wasn't going to rub off on the towel when you dried it. "You want me to blow dry or air dry it?" 

"I'll let it air dry." You took a look at it and laughed. "Y/n is it that bad?"

"No... No it's pretty..." You continued in your giggle fit. "I'll order pizza and we can watch my favorite show." You kissed him and he kissed back. "I love you."

"I love you too Spencer."

After the night ended you told him you'd take him to work and he gladly accepted. 

He still didn't know what the color of his hair, and he honestly didn't want to know what it looked like. 

You walked in seeing Emily first, she looked like crap since she came back from being dead, but not really dead. "Y/n, how's my best friend?"

"Great since I won the bet." You hugged her. "Oh yeah, what color did you dye it?"

"Yes Spencer, what color did I dye it?" He had a hat on his head and refused to take it off. "I'm not taking it off." You rolled your eyes and saw Spencer's best friend, Derek. 

"Pretty boy, what's with the hat?" You took this as an opportunity to swipe the hat from his head. "Y/n." He gasped. You giggled as the whole room heard his gasp and looked at his head. "Oh man, Y/n did a number on you." Emily started laughing. Derek joined her and the rest of the room with her. "What happened kid?" The famous book writer, which you had always enjoyed reading his books came over to the group. "Spence, what's wrong with your hair?" His other teammate JJ asked. "Oh Reid, your hair, you've joined my club of different hair colors." Garcia the different, but fun girl that you had only met once joined. 

"Y/n you said it wasn't that bad." He looked at him. "It's not that bad Reid, it's just pink."

"Pink!!!!" He yelled. "You didn't tell him what color of hi hair was going to be?" Emily asked as she touched his cotton candy hair. "That was part of the bet." You shrugged. 

His boss walked by and stopped when he saw the group surrounding Spencer. "Reid, see me in my office when you are done." You could almost see a smile form across his lips, Spencer always told you how he never smiled that much so you thought you did good by making him smile. 

"I'm going to be late if I don't leave now, so bye guys." You waved goodbye to them and turned to Spencer. "I love you, pink panther." 

"I love you too Y/n, even if you turned my hair into cotton candy." You smirked kissing him, bitting his lower lip. "You never know, I might be hungry tonight, I wouldn't irritate me if I were you." You walked off leaving him alone. Makes you want to make more bets with him. 

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