Can't stand to see it happen

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Y/n pov 

Sum: simular to what happened with spencer and lila. Just twisted little fun with Chris Evans. 

"Who would hurt Chris Evans he's beautiful?" I nearly shouted. Someone was trying to kill Chris Evans, my favorite actor ever. "Um... Y/n you are going to be assigned to watch him at all times, are you going to be okay with that." I nodded eagerly. "Reid you go too, since you've been through this before." Reid shrugged and started reading the file again. He has been very quiet today and it's bothering me. "Everyone else we are going to work on finding his stalker." Hotch finished assigning jobs. Emily laughed at my non-patient manner. "What, I'm nervous okay."

"Okay..." She hummed. 

Once we landed in Boston I got off to get in the car. Hotch drives, Reid sits in passengers seat, and I sit in the back. JJ, Emily, and Rossi and Morgan went to the nearby station. 

I saw him and I started to panic, but I calmed down. He was arguing with his Mom about this. "No, I don't understand why you want me to be under the watch of profilers." Chris argued. "Excuse me, FBI, I'm agent Hotchner and this is Agent Y/l/n and Dr. Reid." Chris turned around and saw me first. "Hi, I'm a huge fan, but I'm here to keep you safe." I made sure to add in that last part. I shook his hand, his gaze didn't leave mine for a long time. He shook Hotch's hand, but Spencer doesn't shake hands so... 

"Um... mom I'm gonna take your advice and be under protection." His mom smiled and Hotch took her to ask some questions. "hmm all of a sudden you want us here, interesting." Spencer stated. "Spence?!" I stared at him with anger. "Just saying." He went in the house. 

"Please excuse him, he's just having a bad day." Chris nodded. "So I can show you around if you want?" 

"Please do, I'd love to see your house." He offered me a arm but I refused because it wasn't professional. We toured the house, with Spencer behind us. "Oh my- can I touch it?" I pointed to his captain america shield. "Of course, be my guest..." He pulled it off the shelf and handed it to me. "Whoa... Spencer you should come hold this, it's so heavy." I struggled to lift up and keep it balanced. "No thank you, I'm fine."

"You sure buddy?" Chris offered. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just gonna go down stairs now." I shrugged admiring the sculptured shield. "Agent y/l/n um when do you think this will be over?"

"It's gonna be alright soon, And please call me Y/n." 

"Y/n. That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I blushed and he smiled. We walked down the stairs and I saw Reid talking to Morgan and he wouldn't even look at me. 

It has been 12 hours and Chris's publicist has been murdered. "I'm so sorry." I hugged him as he cried. "Um... I know you are hurting but is it okay if my team asks you some questions?"

"What do you want to know?" He asked. Morgan spoke first. "Did you notice anything out of place when your publicist came by to visit?" 

"No, she was the same." I rubbed is back. "Did she say anything that might have been different than she would normally say?" Emily asked. "No, what the hell is this going to do to help find this son of a bitch?"

"It's going to help us figure out the profile, and you're preventing us from doing that." Reid told him. "Reid!" JJ pulled him out the room. "I'm so sorry, he's not normally that rude."

"Well it seems he isn't normal at all." Chris stood up and ran upstairs. 

"Y/n, you might want to talk to Reid, cause he's been acting strange this whole case." Emily told me. "I'll talk to him later, I have to keep an eye on Chris right now." 

I saw Chris go outside in his backyard so I followed. "Chris it isn't safe to be outside." It was warm so he had taken off his shirt and jumped in the water. "Y/n come on in, it's nice and warm."

"No, this is not professional at all and I could get fired..." I started rambling. In the blink of an eye I was in the pool and gasping for air. "That's so not cool Chris." I splashed. I went to get out but he pulled me back down, this time kissing me. I pulled away quickly. "No Chris we can't do this."

"Why not, do you not like me?" 

"No, I do, it's just... I can get fired." 

"Then I could take care of you." He kissed my lips. "No, I don't want to be taken care of."

"Fine then, I'm sorry I even bothered." 

"No I do like you Chris it's just, can't this wait till the case is over and then we can do this." I wrapped my hand around his back neck. "I do like you a lot." He kissed me. "Same here." 

Spencer pov 

"y/n." I called throughout the huge house. I was searching for her so I could talk to her. I brought her gifts to apologize. "Y/n." I called again. "Y/n-" I saw her in the pool like I was with Lila that one time. His arms all over her, them kissing. I dropped the Roses that I had brought her and I walked away. "Spencer?" I could hear her ask. 

"Oh my God Spencer!" By what I could hear she was trying to get out the water. "Spencer wait! It's not what it looks like."

"Really cause it looks like my best friend is trying to date a victim." I turned around to her. 

"You did it too, what's the difference." She was shivering. Y/n looked beautiful though in every way. I'm heartbroken. 

"Nobody was in love with me." I spat out angrily at her.

Y/n pov

I felt that I was going to die. I was cold and I just hurt someone I love. 

"Hey heres a towel." I took the towel from Chris. "Thanks." I sighed. I love Spencer, but I want Chris. Am I selfish for that?

After two days of Spencer being mad and the team finally figuring out who the unsub was, which was an intern on the set of Captain America: Civil War. I started dating Chris. 

This is going to be a two parter and it's gonna have a happy Spencer Reid ending. 

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