Lap Sitting**

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Warning: Explicit Explicit Explicit!!! Kinky Shit!!!

Spencer took you to a formal award ceremony fro FBI agents. It was supposed to be a night full of wonders and excitement. You stuck real close to Spencer throughout the ceremony. You enjoyed seeing new agents get awards for their heroic ways.

However, that's not what you're thinking about when the ceremony was still in the middle. Spencer large hand was on your thigh and inching closer and closer to slipping under your black dress. You choose to ignore it, but there was a burring desire to have his face in between you legs at the moment. 

You pushed his hand away, but it seemed to have a mind of its own. Spencer would just let his hand slide up your leg every chance that he got. His eyes never moved from what was going on in the front of the stage. You decided that it would be best if you held his hand so he wouldn't get those urges. As soon as his hand was wrapped in yours he turned his attention to you. He had a glint of mischief in his hazel/brown eyes. Something that got you excited. 

Rossi invited the team and their family to an afterparty at his house. Everyone choose to be outside while you and Spencer picked the inside. Spencer sat on the couch and you already knew where this would lead to.

You sat down on his lap like you always do, the team never minded, because they never saw you do it. You're manicured nails trailed down from his lips to his exposed chest. It was only slightly exposed since he still had his suit on, but no tie. You kissed and nibbled on his earlobe. You massaged his relaxed shoulders. 

"Are you trying to make up before you get punished?" Spencer said in a whisper while trying to look at you work. 

"Am I getting punished?" You whispered in his ear, "Because I think you should be punished." You traced his ear lobe. "Would you like to know why?"

"Why?" He caught a glimpse of your mascaraed eye lashes.

You danced your lips down to his neck, purposely dancing around his sweet spot. "You were teasing, so of course I had to repay the favor." You finally let your tongue hit his spot which sucked a groan out of him. 

"We're going home now." He picked you up and put you carefully in the car. He went back into Rossi's backyard for a moment then he came back.

The ride home was a long agonizing painful drive. Spencer opened the door to the apartment with one swift movement. Spencer walked in first and sat on the couch. You stopped in confusion not knowing what his plans were. You walked over to him only for his to bring you down on his lap again. 

"We still need to talk about that punishment you are going to receive." Spencer took your place of nibbling and biting. 

"What punishment?" You closed your eyes with a gasp when Spencer bit down on your sweet spot. 

Spencer flipped you over so your butt was in the air and you body was on the couch. You were dangled across his lap. His fingers ghosted from your ankles to your behind. "The one that you said I deserved."

"No I didn't." You know you did, but you just wanted his teasing to stop. 

"Hmm I think you did say that, I may only have an eidetic memory, but I remember every dirty thing you say to me." Spencer smoothly ran his hand over your butt. His hand slowly went throw the long slit of your dress. "Y/n you're going to be the death of me." He sighed out.

You didn't wear anything under your dress considering how tight it was and you didn't want anyone to see an outline of anything. You didn't know that this night would turn into the night of sexual frustration and mutual teasing. 

You thought Spencer would say something about your missing under garments, but instead he plunged two fingers in you without a warning. You yelped and tried to move away from the sudden intrusion. Spencer held you down lightly while he continued his fingers movements. 

"Spencer..." You moaned out.

Spencer flipped you over once again so you were sitting up right on his lap again. He let you ride on his fingers while he sucked on you softly skin. You were about to release when Spencer pulled away from you completely. You opened your mouth to protest but he had already had your hand in his. He took you into the bedroom where he gently shoved you down on the soft king sized bed. His lips attached to yours that hadn't been touched yet all night.

Spencer shrugged your dress over your head before throwing it across the room. He took off his suit jacket along with his shirt and pants with his boxers. So now you and him were both naked on the bed with your legs spread.

Spencer looked you in your pleading eyes before he pushed himself into you inch by inch. You let your head roll fall back on the pillows when you arched your back. Spencer started at a slow pace while slowly building up speed. Soon he was pounding into you without a care in the world. His hands held yours down on either side of your head. 

"Spencer I'm close..."

"No." He said as he slowed down his movements. 

"What do you mean no!?" You yelled.

"I mean you aren't releasing until I tell you to." Spencer whispered into your ear. He planted open mouth kisses all along your jaw and neck. 

You were starting to realize that this was part of your punishment. Spencer started speeding his thrust up again leading your eyes to roll to the back of your head when he hit your g-spot. 

"Spence please please!" You begged.

Spencer's head was buried deep into the crook of your neck when he let go of your hands to wrap them around your body. Your hands went automatically to his hair. 

"I need to let go!" You cried out.

Spencer bit down on your shoulder. "Let go Y/n!" Spencer moaned into your neck.  

You released as soon as he hit your g-spot again. Your release triggered his making him spill inside you. 

When both you and Spencer came down form your high he rolled off of you. You were both panting like you'd ran a marathon. 

"I hope I wasn't too rough baby?" Reid combed his fingers through your hair.

"Are you kidding me? I've been dreaming about you doing this forever."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love you." Spencer wrapped you up in a tight hold.

"I love you too."

A/N: I put extra warnings on the this just because I've never written one like this before that was so detailed. Maybe I have and I just forgot, but this is what my mind reverted to when I saw the season 12 finale. It was very unlike me, but I'm sorry if it was too much for anyone.

P.S. Use Protection People 

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