Just a Visit

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You struggled to press the elevator button with your full hands. Finally you decided to put the baby carrier down and press the button. On your way up you smiled softly at your baby sleeping. You enjoyed being a mom and having the best husband ever. 

The elevator stopped and the door opened showing the busy office of the BAU. You quickly tried to dodge any one from seeing you, because you wanted it to be a surprise. You put the baby carrier on the desk and waited. 

You soon started to doze off, but you stayed awake. You really woke up when you heard your baby start crying. "Oh shh sweetheart it's okay, mommy's here." You picked the baby up and held it in your hands. Your head snapped at the door when you saw people approaching it. 

"Y/n." You looked at the team that stood in front of you. "Hey guys, I didn't want to intrude, I thought maybe you guys would want to see Spencer's daughter." You smiled at your husband whose grin widened at the sight of you. "She just woke up." You gently put her in Spencer's arms. 

"Wow Y/n she looks just like you." JJ stated. "She has Spencer's eyes though." Rossi added. 

"Yeah she does." Hotch said. You gave a smile and checked your watch. 

"Somewhere to go?" Rossi asked.

"Yes- well I just have to get back to something, but I'm sure it can wait." You told the group. Spencer was rocking back and forth to calm your daughter back to sleep. "You guys are beautiful." JJ patted Spencer's shoulders and hugged you goodbye.

"So why did you want to bring Nat here?" 

"Spencer, I just missed you so much, and I just needed you home."

"I'm sorry sweetheart I'll try not to be gone too long next time."

"It's not your fault, I love you."

"I love you too, and I love this one too." He kissed Nat's forehead. 

A/N: Short but sweet 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now