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Warning: Language 

The door opened and closed while you waiting at the dining table with a glass of wine. "You're late." You told your boyfriend who smelled of sex and drugs. 

"I had business to handle." He walked past you to go into the bedroom. You followed him with tear stained eyes. 

"Bullshit! What business was so important you left your 3 year old in the house alone?" You yelled at him. You were beyond furious. There was no word to describe your anger at the man. 

Johnathan, your boyfriend, used to love you more than anything, but he changed. You had a 3 year old girl by him. That was one of the reasons you chose to stay with him.

"I told the babysitter." He took off his shirt and that's when you saw the marks on his shoulder and back. 

"So what girl are you screwing now?" You asked with a sob. 

"No one baby, only you." He pulled you closer to him, but you pushed away. "What the hell Y/n!" 

You broke down into tears once he went into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He always did this to you, he always treated you like crap. You loved him more than anything, but you couldn't take it anymore.

The next morning you didn't leave your daughter with him, instead you took her to work. You told the babysitter to come to your work to come get her. 

"Uncle Spence!" She screamed and ran to Spencer. "Hey Lia!" Spencer picked up your daughter and hugged her tightly. 

Lia loved Spencer more than she loved anyone else on the team. He was always her first priority and you loved the thought of Spencer being a dad. Sometimes your mind wondered to see how life would be with Spencer as your boyfriend and Lia's dad. 

"Spencer don't crush my daughter." You smiled putting your stuff down on your desk. You circled back to them.

"Why did you bring Lia to work?" Reid asked. 

He knew for quite awhile about Johnathan, but he chose to keep his opinions to himself. 

"I didn't trust her father today, and I felt like everyone needed something to cheer them up." You said nonchalantly. 

Spencer nodded and handed Lia back to you. Lia protested and would not be removed from Spencer. 

"Lia, sweetheart, Spencer needs to go." You struggled to get the 3 year old off your co-worker. "Lia..." You sighed deeply.

Spencer grinned brightly, "It's fine, she just loves her uncle Spencer." You nodded and grinned with them.

Since the serial killers took a day off so did the team. You stopped for dinner with your daughter before you went home. 

"Johnathan I'm home!" You called out into the apartment. You heard noises in down the hallway.

"Hey sweetheart, go play in your room for me please." Lia complied joyfully and followed your order.

You followed the noises that lead to your bedroom. You carefully opened the door of the room and saw something awful. "What the hell Johnathan!" He was in bed with another woman. 

"Y/n! Shit!" He covered himself up. "It's not what it looks like."

You looked over and saw drugs on the nightstand. "Fuck you! You sick bastard!" You stormed out of the room. "Y/n! Come on baby!" He caught up to you. "You can't take away Lia from me!"

"Watch me!" You entered Lia's room and grabbed her stuff. 

"Mommy? What's going on?" She asked with glossy eyes. 

"We are going away for awhile, while daddy fixes himself." You shoved everything into a spare suitcase that was in your daughters closet.

"You aren't taking her!" He shouted. 

"Until you can man up and be a dad, I am taking her from you!" He sunk down and started crying. You took Lia's hand and made your way out the door. 

"Lia tell mommy that you want to stay!" He demanded.

"Bye daddy." She waved goodbye while being pulled away. 

You pulled out your phone and called Spencer. "Hey Spence, can I come over for the night I have something to tell you..." 

A/N: Part 2 soon

Should I go back to doing first person? 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now