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Warning: little bit of language, name calling

"Are you serious Spence?!" You yelled at you boyfriend.

"I just don't want to go, is that such a problem?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yes it is a problem, this is a huge step for me and I want you to be there to support me." You grabbed his hand and put it on your cheek. "Please Spencer, do you really want to stay in this hotel all night?"

"It's better than being around that kid." He huffed.

You had earned a small part in the Spider-Man:Homecoming movie and you also had to work as a personal assistant to Tom Holland, who plays Spider-Man.

"Bloody Hell Spencer is that what this is about?" You put you hands on your hips. "I don't have time to argue." You looked at the clock.

"I just don't want to spend the day around a bratty little kid."

"He's not a kid, he's 21." You assured him.

"Now you're sticking up for him." Spencer sighed loudly. "Just go to the premiere."

"Fine then Spencer, you obviously don't understand how important this is to me." You wiped away a small drop of a tear.

You didn't understand why he was acting this way. Especially over a 21 year old.

You stepped out of the limo and into the line of pictures being taken. You had specific instructions to meet Tom while he was taking pictures.

"Hey there love, how are you?" Tom wrapped a arm around you.

You seemed to tower over him in your heels, but if you took them off you would match his height.

"Nothing I'm fine." You lied.

"No love you're not, I can tell." He whispered in your ear. "We'll talk later

You put on your best smile and posed with him. You guys made the transition to the interviews, which they really didn't want you in, but Tom insisted you stay with him.

You didn't like being ordered around by a 21 year old, but Tom was cool. You were closer in age to Spencer, but still late in your 20s.

"This is the lovely Y/n who helped me with getting ready for this role." Tom slid his hand into yours.

You didn't think anything of it at the time, but for Spencer who was watching it live stream, it wasn't a pretty sight to see.

"JJ it's not fine! I'm about to lose the love of my life to a six year old." Spencer paced around the hotel room.

"If you didn't want that to happen then you should've went to the premiere."

"I just didn't want to make her look bad, I know that she thinks about this a lot and I don't want to be her awkward FBI agent."

"But she loves that you're an awkward FBI agent, she told me so. You need to call her and make things right." JJ helped him.

"Okay thanks JJ." He hung up and started to dial your number.

"Hello?" You tried to answer through the loudness of the crowd.

"Ugh you can't hear me, I'll call you later." Spencer hung up.

"Wait no Spencer!" You tried to keep him on the phone. You now stared at your phone trying to see what he was calling for.

"Everything alright Y/n?" Toms English accent was enough for you to smile and nod. Except everything wasn't alright.

"Just my boyfriend being weird." You giggled.

"Y-you have a boyfriend?" Tom swallowed hard.

"Yeah and you know what? I need to be with him." You slipped your hand from his.

You ran through the crowds to the waiting limo. In a matter of minutes you were back at the hotel. You opened the door and raced to the bedroom.

"Spencer!" You jumped in his arms when you finally found him. "I love you so much."

"I-I love you too- wait what about the movie?"

"Who cares, it's only a small part, I'd rather spend the time with you." You kissed him.

"Really?" Spencer licked his lips.

"Really Spence." You nodded and bit your lip. "Plus Tom wasn't free." You joked.

"Shut up." Spencer smiled and kissed you back.

A/N: sorry this is late, I'm on vacation and it's almost my last day so I'll start updating more after tomorrow.

Also I will be changing the cover so just so you know that's going to be different.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now