Can't Sleep

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You shot up from your sleep in the middle of the night. You were sweating and panting. You shook in fear that your nightmare would come true.

"Babe?" Your boyfriend turned on his side to face you. "Baby it's okay." He tried to pull you in closer.

"No Chris it's not okay!" You pushed him away from you. You got up to go to the bathroom and splash some water on your face.

"Babe why do you do that!?" Your boyfriend Chris asked.

"I don't want to be bothered right now, I'm really not in the mood for another freaking fight right now."

"I love you Y/n but if you don't tell me what's wrong then I can't help you."

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. "I keep having this dream that you get hurt and you die and I can't help you." You lied to him.

It wasn't a complete lie, but your dream wasn't about him. It was about Spencer.

You feared that you would never get to tell him how much he means to you and how much you could never live without him.

"I can't do this anymore." You told Chris.

"What do you mean you can't do this anymore?"

"Don't ask that!?" You yelled at him.

"Y/n please..."

"Get out." You said coldly. "I do love what we do and I do still want to be your friend, but right now my heart isn't in the right place... so please baby I need a break from this." You cupped his cheek and kissed his lips.

He pulled away and left you in the bathroom alone.

The next day you headed into the BAU with glossy eyes. You sat down at your desk and took the picture of you and your boyfriend down.

"Y/n are you okay?" Spencer asked when he saw you starting to tear up again.

"I broke up with Chris last night." You told him. You had stood up to meet him eye level.

"I'm so sorry." In reality Spencer wasn't that sorry. He didn't like your boyfriend anyway.

"It's fine I think it's because something was holding me back from being with him. I mean it was great the first year, but these last couple months have really been boring in a way. I found something else that I just couldn't let go."

"What's that?" He asked.

"You Spencer, I keep having these dreams about you." You sniffed. "You die in everyone of them and I realized I love you Spencer, because I wouldn't be so torn about Chris or anyone else dying. You give me something that I just can't live without."

"This is coming out very quickly- is this a joke or something."

You frowned. "No, I really do like you Spencer."


"Do you want to come over and watch a movie with me maybe?"

"Yeah I'd love too." Spencer smiled and you grinned.

A/N:This was crap and I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. If you didn't notice already I'm writing on my phone and when I write on my phone it takes longer. Sorry about that guys.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now