What if Maeve Survived?

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Sum: Maeve doesn't die, how does everyone feel about that especially the reader.

You snuck up behind the unsub aka Diane Turner. She held a gun to the girls head, the girl that you had recently found out was Spencer's 'girlfriend'. You didn't think you just acted pointing your gun at her head shooting Diane. "Maeve!" Spencer yelled as the rest of the team appeared behind him. You checked the vitals of Diane, she had no pulse because you shot her in the head. Spencer was out of his restrains, holding tightly to Maeve. "Y/n? You okay?" Blake snapped you out of your trance. "Yeah, I'll be fine." You reassured her. 

You made your way to the SUV parked outside. Once you got inside you bawled your eyes out on the FBI jacket that they gave you. You wanted to be the one Spencer held like that, but no you would remain his best friend. "Y/n..." Reid paused when he saw you crying. "Why are you crying?" You sniffed thinking of a lie to tell him. "I was just really scared for you Spencer." He joined you in the back seat wrapping his arm around you. "Thank you." He said as you laid you head on his shoulder. "I couldn't stand seeing you in pain Spencer." 

After that you started pushing him away. You asked Hotch to separate the two of you and don't assign you to go with him. You didn't sit by him and you'd only make small talk with him. It wasn't the same anymore, he always talked about the things him and Maeve did together and it made you sick, Literally. You couldn't eat or sleep thinking about what they did and why he chose her instead of you. It finally became too overwhelming and you had to do something.

"Y/n are you sure about this?" Hotch asked you as you handed him your transfer papers. "Yes, It's for the best." His face was stern. "Emily offered me a job at interpol and I took it, I'll be living with her in London." You smiled at the thought of being with your best friend again. "If the sis really what you want then... I won't try to convince you otherwise." He opened his arms out for a hug and you accepted. "Thank you Aaron, you've been like a father to me." He finally smiled. "I just have one last request... Can you tell the team when I'm gone, I don't want them to try and convince me to stay and don't tell them where I went please."

"As long as you promise me something..." You nodded for him to go on. "When the time is right and you are ready, tell him why you left, can you do that?" You let a tear fall out, but you managed to nod. "We will miss you, please be safe."

"I'll be with Emily, I'm sure to be safe." I giggled. "Do you need help cleaning out your desk?"

"If you wouldn't mind, but I have somethings to do." You walked out of the office seeing Spencer packing up. "Hey?" You walked up to him. "Hey, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the museum, since I know that's your favorite thing to do... I thought you could tag along with Maeve and I, if you want?" You instantly felt crushed inside. The museum was you and his place to go when you wanted to hang out and instead of just hanging out with you, he has to bring her along. "No. Spencer I don't want to go, I just came to say bye." You said coldly. "Have fun with Maeve Spencer." You turned around to sit at your desk. "Bye Y/n..." Spencer said softly. 

A year and a half in London and you had already started missing the team especially Spencer. You missed the conversations that you had with him. You missed when you were sad and Spencer would blab on and on about statistics to cheer you up. You missed him in general. "Y/n! Wake up!" You shot up almost punching Emily in the nose. "What the hell Emily?" 

"You were having a nightmare." Emily walked over to the side of your bed crouching down to meet your eyes. You started crying and she wrapped her arms around you. "What happen?"

"Emily, I was hanging off a cliff and -it was so stupid but so was Maeve and Spencer could only save one of us and he chose her- Em he chose her." You cried on her shoulder. "Y/n, I'm so sorry... I think it's time to go back."

"What?" You sniffed. "Well you won't eat anything more than a plate of fruit and I'm worried about your health... and these nightmares Y/n you need to go." You wiped your tears on her shoulder. "And remember, Hotch made you promise to tell Spencer why you left in the first place."

"Yes I remember." You sniffed again standing up. You still held onto Emily's body and your face was buried in her shoulder. "So because I want what is best for you, I bought you a plane ticket back home, I'll ship your stuff back and I already got your apartment set up."

"Wow, you really want me gone don't you?" You laughed. "No, but I'm not losing my best friend because Spencer Reid wants to be an ass." Emily giggled. "Okay, I'll go back, oh and I'm sorry I got salty tears on your shoulder." You wiped them off facing her. 

When you got back home you called Emily telling her that you were alright. You picked the next day to go into the BAU. You weren't surprised when you found Spencer at his desk early in the morning. You still couldn't face him, so you snuck into Hotch's office without letting Spencer see you. You used people as human shields as you dodged everyones eyes, Morgan, JJ, Blake, Rossi, Penelope, and Spencer. "Y/n." Hotch was startled when I shut his door. "Hi?" You waved, a small smile spread across his usually stern face. "I didn't think that you would ever come back, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine, I needed to come back, I needed to face this." You ran your hand through your h/c hair. "Well the team will be happy to see you, they still haven't gotten over you leaving, especially Spencer." You swallowed hard nodding. "We don't have a case right now so you can catch up if you want, I'm guessing Emily sent me your transfer papers." You smiled nodding. "Go." He commanded. 

You took a deep breath before opening the door and walking out. "Y/n?" Spencer instantly recognized you. Spencer was already out of his seat by time you could walk down the stairs. He engulfed you in a bone crushing hug lifting you up a couple inches off the floor. There was cheering from behind him. He pulled away with tears in his eyes, you didn't want to hurt him. "Spencer I need to tell you something." You motioned for the rest of the team to go away, reluctantly they gave into your demand. They wanted to know everything about where you had been all this time and why you left. "Spencer I want you to know why I left." You held onto his hand not caring if he was someone else. "Spencer I left because I'm in love with you, but you're in love with her." Spencer sniffed. "Maeve and I didn't work, all those letters, the phone booths, I thought I loved her, I thought I was in love with her... But I- I was really in love with you." 

"Spencer..." He cut you off with a kiss. "I'm in love with you Y/n not Maeve, you and only you." You felt high on your own happiness. "I love you too Spencer." You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist as you deepened the kiss.

A/N: I tried to publish this on new years but I didn't get around to it so Happy late New Years!! YAY!

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