Dangerous Woman**

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Oh, yeah

Don't need permission

Made my decision to test my limits

'Cause it's my business, God as my witness

Start what I finished

Don't need no hold up

Taking control of this kind of moment

I'm locked and loaded

Completely focused, my mind is open

"Pretty boy, what's wrong with your wrist?" Morgan asked Spencer. Spencer had been rubbing his wrist for that past 5 minutes trying to get rid of some of the discomfort. "Nothing I just have some burning going on."

"Let me see." You slid onto his desk and grabbed his wrist. You grabbed some lotion and rubbed it gently on his sore wrist. "I hope I didn't hurt you too bad."

"No, it just didn't get heal like it was suppose to."

"Well maybe if you'd stay still then this wouldn't happen." You whispered. 

You pulled away leading Spencer to want to follow you. It was getting late and everyone was starting to leave. You and Spencer were the last to leave. You pushed him down lightly into the door of the elevator. 

All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God

Don't ya stop, boy

Spencer picked you up and roughly put your back to the wall. He attacked your exposed neck with kisses that trailed down to your collarbone. You moaned out and put your hands around Spencer's neck. You pulled him to your needy lips teasing him by barely letting your lips touch his. 

Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout

The elevator dinged and you pulled Spencer along to the car. You attacked him with open mouth kisses on his neck and jawline. "Y/n, there are cameras in the parking lot."

"Then let's give security a show." You mumbled into his ear feeling him get hard from the thought of getting caught. You would never even think about doing anything publicly, but Spencer had an effect on you that made you want to do things. 

Nothing to prove and

I'm bulletproof and

Know what I'm doing

The way we're movin' like introducing

Us to a new thing

I wanna savor, save it for later

The taste of flavor, 'cause I'm a taker

'Cause I'm a giver, it's only nature

I live for danger

You opened the back seat of the car and pushed Spencer in closing the door behind you. Spencer closes the gap between the two of you by connecting his lips with yours. You fought his tongue in a raging dominance war. You rolled your hips causing him to groan out and you took control. 

All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God

Don't ya stop, boy

Spencer moved to bring your shirt over your head throwing it it in the window of your car. You did the same with his vest and shirt. Spencer thrusted up trying to get some sort of fiction. You pulled away from the kiss that he had you in. "Get in the passengers seat." You moaned in his ear.

Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

Spencer did as you said and got in the passengers seat of the car. In the time that it took him you were already undressed and he had pulled his pants down. You moved up to the front seat with him and successfully straddled him. 

All girls wanna be like that

Bad girls underneath, like that

You know how I'm feeling inside

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout

All girls wanna be like that

Bad girls underneath, like that

You know how I'm feeling inside

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout

Spencer somehow found a way to flip you over but you weren't complaining. You had adjusted the seat so it was leaning all the way back. Spencer watched you gasp as he entered you in one swift movement. You closed your eyes and let your eyes roll back when he started moving. 

Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you

You held onto him and clawed at his back. You took your index finger and swiped it across his lips before you shoved it in his mouth. Spencer moaned around your finger when he saw your eyes get impossibly darker. Spencer sucked on your finger until you took it out of his mouth.

All girls wanna be like that

Bad girls underneath like that

You know how I'm feeling inside

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout

All girls wanna be like that

Bad girls underneath like that

You know how I'm feeling inside

Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout

"Spencer... fuck!" He hit that spot that had you seeing stars. His thrusting got faster and faster until all that was heard was the sound of skin slapping against skin. 

Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy

Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy

Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy

(somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you)

Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy

Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy

Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy

(somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you)

"Oh god! Y/n!" Spencer moaned in your ear as you tightened around him. You came to a high along with Spencer; he rode you both out of it before he collapsed on you. 

"That. Was. Great." You said out of breath.

"I know. Now who's going to drive home."

"Obviously me, you don't drive any where remember."

"Oh yeah, I think you made me forget things after that.

"You never forget things Spencer." You groaned. 

A/N: if anyone is uncomfortable with smut then 1. I put a waring on the Info page 2. Just skip the ones that have (*) on it. This one was a little bit more than I wanted it to be but I got carried away. 

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