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You wrapped a strand of hair around your curling iron. You let the newly curled strand go and you were finished. You then started applying makeup, not a lot. You finished with applying red lipstick. You looked at your black knee high dress and smirked. 

"Y/n, are you ready yet, we have to be there in an hour." Spencer called to you. You were going to one of the famous Rossi parties that he hosted. "No, I need help!" You called back. 

Once he was in the room his jaw dropped. "Can you help me zip please?" You asked sweetly.  "Y- yeah sure." He pressed his cold fingers to your warm back. You moaned softly at the feeling only causing Spencer to get more excited. You were dressed in the dress he loved on you. 

Spencer slowly zipped the dress up to your black dress. The way it fits all your curves and never misses a spot always seemed to turn him on. He swallowed hard as you let your hair down to fall in front of him. He got lost as his eyes trailed down lower to the small of your back. 

"Spence, you ready?" You asked turing around to see him in his suit. "Y- yes." You smiled and walked to get your heels. You felt Spencer's eyes on you the whole way, but you decided to ignore it. 

You slipped into the driver seat of the car waiting for Spencer to get in. When he did you drove off to Rossi's house. The car was in complete silence except for the low murmur of the radio. You pulled up to the large house and parked. Spencer got out first opening the door for you and helping you out of the car. Your body brushed against his and you looked up into his eyes as they had gotten a hint darker. 

You looked away wigging your butt when you walked away. He stalked you with preying eyes. When you turned around you caught the sight of him licking his lips. You smirked turning back to the door where you were greeted by a smiling Rossi. 

"Hello Y/n, glad you could make it." Rossi kissed your cheek while letting you inside. "Thank you for inviting us." You looked out the door to see Spencer making his way to Rossi. "Sorry I was trying to get my shoes tied." 

"Right... well everyone is already in the back so head on back there." You walked quickly to the back where everyone was. 

"Y/n!" JJ hugged you. "Where's Spence?"

"He might be talking to Rossi, I'm not sure." You said 

You said hello to everyone and started talking with them. Eventually Spencer came and sat by you and started a conversation with the table. "Yes, and it was so funny because- Ahh." You put your hand down under you dress. You were so busy talking you didn't realize that Spencer was playing under your dress and he shoved his fingers into you. "Y/n are you okay?" JJ asked. You had shrieked in front of everybody and your face was turning red from embarrassment. 

"Yeah, just a really bad leg cramp." You said through gritted teeth. Spencer started slowly moving his fingers in and out of you. You pulled him away from you and got up. "Sorry guys, I have to use the restroom." You had slipped out of your heels so your feet touched the cool green grass. You needed a release, you needed Spencer's body on you. 

You looked in the mirror and saw that you were flustered. You fixed yourself and walked out the bathroom only to fall into the arms of Spencer. 

"Baby? What are you doing?" You were shocked 

"Just using the bathroom love, what about you, were you thinking about me?" His voice low and his breath was hot on your skin. "Only about your impatience to get home and get me under you." Spencer's sense of dominance left him.

"Go ahead Spencer, jerk off, I won't bother you." You smirked leaving him looking like an idiot. 

After the whole bathroom thing you decided to cool it. You loved when Spencer was dominant and that's exactly the Spencer you wanted right now, that was the whole point of wearing the dress, because you could have worn a causal red dress, but no you had to look sexy for Spencer.

The cost of looking sexy is high as you tried to run away from 3 boys counting Spencer. 

"Don't rip the dress! Don't rip the dress!" You screamed as Spencer grabbed hold of you. Henry and Jack decided to start tickling you as you were being held by Spencer. They didn't stop until their parents told them to. 

"You know I would never rip this dress?"

"I know, it's your favorite dress."

"Is that why you wore it?" He's cheeks went to a deep red.

"I wore it because I love you and... I was hoping tonight when we get home you show me how much you love this dress." You seductively put his thumb in your mouth and started sucking. "You and this dress will be the death of me." Spencer moaned. 

A/N: So this isn't exactly what I was going for but it's okay I tried. Also if you see this (*) by the title then it means it has a form of smut in it so yeah skip it if you aren't comfortable with it. And this was short and I'll try for a longer one, I'm just having trouble getting idea's and if anyone has an idea or request please please please say something. If you want it to be anonymous then it will be between us. SO with that said bye loves :) 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now