Lover Boy

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"Pretty boy is turning into lover boy." Derek teased.

"Leave him along Morgan he can't help it." JJ defended.

"I don't love anyone." Spencer sighed and moved away from the group.

You watched his every move and made sure to take note of how he was acting. You didn't hear what was going on since you were reading a book, but you could tell something was up.

"Hey guys what's up with Spencer?" You asked.

"He's just got something on his mind." Derek laughed.

You nodded and walked up to him. "Hey Spencer I saw you walk away. Are you okay?"

"Derek's just being Derek."

"That's all we could ever hope for am I right?" You giggled.

Spencer smiled when you smiled.

"Hey... don't be afraid to talk to me Spence I'm always here." You cupped his cheek. "I'm sorry." You pulled your arm back away from his face.

"Thank you Y/n." He whispered.

"You're welcome Spence." You walked away from him. "Oh wait Spencer I wanted to ask you something." You jogged back to meet him.

"So the annual office ball is coming up and I was wondering if you would like to go with me."

"I-i I'd love to go with you!" Spencer beamed. "I-I mean that's cool." He controlled himself.

"Great I'll see you at my place at 7 next week?" You asked.

"Yeah, 7 I'll be there."

"Great!" You leaned in and placed a kiss on his cheek then walked away.

"Lover boy!" Derek hooted over everyone in the bullpen.

Spencer rolled his eyes and thought. He was going on a date... and with you.

A/N: Sorry this is so short I'm making this at 3 o'clock in the morning and I just saw Spider-Man homecoming and Tom Holland is flooding my brain right now.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now