High school reunions

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"Unbelievable!" You screamed in the office at your desk. You didn't realize you brought attention to yourself until Morgan spoke. "What's wrong little one."

"My high school reunion is coming up and they said they won't cancel it," You sighed with utter disapproval. 

"Oh yeah, Spencer said something about it earlier; he said you were pretty stressed about it," Morgan said. 

"Yeah Morgan of course, because I hate those people and I don't want to go, but I already promised spencer I would."

"Why did you promise him?" You rolled your eyes and grabbed your bag. 

"I want to go, I just- Morgan it's a lot to explain and I'd rather not explain it here." You pushed in your chair and grabbed your purse. 

"Whoa whoa little mama where are you going?" You smirked back at him. He looked so cute when he was confused. 

"Did I mention, it's tomorrow and we have to be at the hotel by midnight?" You asked. He shook his head no and you left with Spencer.

You walked past the doors of your old high school and into the musty smelling school. It brought back memories that you did not want to have. 

"You okay?" Spencer asked when he felt you tense. 

"Yeah, Spencer I'm okay." You smiled through your lying teeth. 

You dressed causal for this night, throwing on a purple flowing dress. Spencer dressed as usual with a purple tie. You're black high heels click on the tile floor trying to pace Spencer. You approached your old locker with long strides. You also past it with long strides. 

"Y/n!" You stopped hearing a familiar voice. You turned around noticing an old friend. 

"Jess, oh my god. How are you?" You hugged her. She was in a few of your classes and you actually enjoyed her presence. 

"I'm awesome, how about you?" She looked up at Spencer and grinned. "You two look like a beautiful couple- oh I'm sorry I just interrupted."

"No you're fine, I'm great." She smiled and then she caught a glimpse of her date and went to them. 

"She seemed nice." Spencer said. "Yeah she is, too bad you don't get to see my best friend, because she's making a movie, so yeah."

"Oh my god! Y/n you look so pretty tonight!" One of the fake bitches of your school approached you. "You remembered me wow."

"Of course you were the one who dated Lance." You cringed at the use of your ex-boyfriends name. "Yeah and I don't seem to remember you Kate." You looked at her name tag. "Yeah whatever." 

The night went on and Spencer didn't talk to you much and just sat at the table. "You want something to drink?" You asked him. "Sure." He said bluntly. You rolled your eyes and walked to the punch bowl. 

"Y/n?" A smooth dark voice almost caused you to spill your drink. "Lance, oh my god, you're a beast." You eyed his ripped body and how he fit the suit he was wearing so tight. He chuckled lightly at your statement. "I'm assuming that's a compliment." He took your hand to his lips and pressed gently. 

You were lost in his Green eyes and his cheekbones were godlike. "You look beautiful tonight, I'm finally glad we get to talk again because I wanted to tell you something." Out of the corner of your eye you saw the person you hated the most approaching Spencer. "Excuse me Lance, I need to go handle something." You gave him the punch you had gotten. 

You made your way to the table where Spencer was sitting. "Back off Y/n, he's mine!" You were stopped midway by your arch enemy. "Shelby, Shelby, Shelby, he's actually mine." 

"What?" She rolled her eyes. "You with him, it's almost like your fake story about you and Lance, unbelievable, fake." She turned towards Spencer and the table and you felt yourself talking.

"At least my face and boobs aren't fake." You told her. You felt Spencer approaching the scene quickly. "Y/n let's go, I don't want to make a scene."

"You never want to be on my side Spencer." You walked away wiping your tears away in the process. You walked in the girls bathroom and looked in the mirror. You looked up and heard muffles. "Lance." You said calmly seeing him holding Kate in his arms with a gun to her head. "What are you doing?" You back to the door, you didn't have a gun since you were off the job. 

"I loved you so much Y/n, I couldn't get you out of my head and I killed people for you."

"Who did you kill?" You pressed up against the door. "I killed everyone that ever gave you a bad day, anyone that hurt you. I was suppose to kill Shelby tonight but Kate here wanted to get in the way of that."

"Lance Tucker! We know you're in there and we know a federal agent is also in there." It was Spencer's voice behind the door.

"Federal agent?" He pressed the gun harder to Kate's head making her cry even more than she was. "You're a fed!"

"No! No! Lance I am, I'm part of the FBI, I thought you would remember that it was always my dream."

"I'm an awful person to not remember. I'm so sorry Y/n." He dropped the gun and Kate along with it. He engulfed you in a hug that you did not accept. "Come on in guys!" You put his hands behind his back and lead him to the waiting police's arms. 

"Spencer how did you know his name?"

"I um had Garcia do a background check as soon as I found out that he was your Ex-boyfriend."

"Of course and I'm sorry for saying those things to you."

"I'm sorry too, I love you."

"I love you too, and Spencer promise me that you never ever make me go to a high school reunion again please."

"Never again beautiful."

A/N: This was rushed and I know it's plain awful and I'm very sorry for that, the next one if I have time will have an actual plot to it. 

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