People Lie Awake

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Sequel to 'Don't want pain this Christmas'

Requested kinda

Warning: language

After a little bit over a year out of the BAU you decided that you'd had enough and you were coming back. You didn't think about what you were going to do when you came back. The excuse you would tell to the team.

"Y/n?" Hotch saw you making your way to his office. "I never thought you'd come back." It was late at night.

"Well I'm here now." You said. You'd changed. You became much colder and harsh. You were no longer yourself.

"I've put in the transfer already so I'm supposed to be coming back this week." You flipped your now dyed hair.

You tried hard to change your appearance. You dyed your hair. You started wearing more black than usual. You really weren't the same now.

"I think the team will be excited for your return."

You gave a small smile before walking to the door.

"Y/n I like the color." Hotch said before you walked out the office.

The next day when you walked into the office with a leather jacket, black tank top, black jeans, and black converse everyone ignored you since you looked like everyone else.

You really didn't see the team anywhere so they couldn't see you slip into Hotch's office. "Y/n I received your transfer and you are able to begin today."

"Thank you Sir." You shook his hand, but he instead hugged you.

You were the first to pull away but then there was a knock at the door. "Sir we have a case." Garcia entered the room.

Her eyes fell upon you who stood in a confident pose. "Y/n is it really you?"

"In the flesh." You smirked.

"Omg why didn't you say something I would have came to see you earlier. You never visit us anymore."

"I have my reasons." You gave her a small hug.

"And your hair, sweetie is all purple." She touched it.

"Yeah I'm trying something new."

"Garcia the case?" Hotch tried to keep her on track.

"Yes the team is waiting." Garcia said.

You swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat. You hadn't come back since what happened between you and Spencer.

You walked behind Hotch into the conference room.

"Team we have a new old friend agent coming back to the BAU."

"Who?" Morgan asked.

"Her." Hotch stepped out the way so that you could be seen.

Everyone gasped at the sight of you. They weren't expecting it to be you. Thy surely weren't expecting you to look like what you did.

"Y/n." Rossi smiled. When you left the team consisted of Blake, now it was just a new person. JJ was gone for maternity leave from what Emily told you.

"Hey." You gave a small wave and took your seat next to Rossi and Derek.

You couldn't even look at Spencer. All the pain he had caused you over the year, all of what he made you want to do to yourself.

The team finished debriefing and got on the plane.

"So Y/n what made you come back?" Rossi asked.

"I couldn't stay away from the BAU too long it's like my home." You told him.

You had an open seat next to you and Spencer had just came out of the bathroom. He decided to slip in right next to you.

"Really?" You muttered under your breath.

"You alright Y/n?" Morgan asked.

"Depends on your definition of alright." You sighed.

They got started talking about the case when you could feel the stares of Spencer.

"Maybe you should take a picture it would last longer." You said coldly. Spencer looked away from you and to the file.

Getting off the plane Spencer stopped you. "Let go of me." You whispered so you wouldn't attract attention.

"Y/n I'm sorry about what happened at Christmas, but you don't know the full story."

"You fucking slept with my fucking sister Spencer, that's the whole story." You snatched your hand out of his grasp.

The whole team was watching you now. "Do assign me with him anymore." You told Hotch as you walked by him.

Hotch didn't assign you with him the rest of the case. You kept your distance from Spencer the best you could.

"Y/n give Reid a chance to tell you what happened. I can tell you now what happened that night isn't the full story." Rossi told you as you were getting on the plane again.

"The trust I had in him is broken now."

"He still loves you, just give him a chance."

"Alright Rossi, but only cause you said so." You smiled at him.

"That a girl, now go." You stood up and walked to the front of the plane where Spencer was sitting alone.

"You have 5 minutes to tell me what happened that night, if I don't believe you then don't think about talking to me ever again."

Spencer out his book down and started to play with his tie nervously.

"I was drinking that night and you told me to come to bed, but I didn't want to since Dr. Who was on and I wanted to watch it. I don't know why, but after I went to the bathroom my drink tasted gross. I realized that I had been drugged."

"You're saying that my sister drugged and raped you while her boyfriend was in the room."

"I don't know, all I know is I didn't have consensual sex with your sister."

You rolled you eyes and stood up to go back to your original seat.

"Please Y/n, I'm telling the truth." Spencer grabbed hold of your hand.

"You know what Spence, I'm not sure you are I just can't let my heart go again. Goodbye Spencer." Your hand fell out of his.

"Y/n..." you could hear Spencer soft whisper along with want sounded like a choked back cry.

You gathered everything up in you for you to not start crying.

A/N: I might make a part 3 to this. It depends if anybody wants me to. Have a nice 1st day of June everyone.

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