At my Best

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"Spencer, what the hell is wrong with you?" You scream at your boyfriend of almost a year. "Nothing, I just think you're being irrational about this." You roll your eyes at him and go into the kitchen to get some water. 

"What's so irrational that I want to spend time with my boyfriend?" You ask after taking a sip of water. 

"Where do I start? Oh yeah let's start with clingy." You cocked your head to the side and scolded him. 

"You're never here for me to be clingy so how am I clingy." It was Spencer's turn to roll his eyes.

You turned around and went into the bedroom that you shared. "Oh there you go crying because you didn't get your way again, god this is why you piss me off Y/n." You slam the door and grab a bag along with clothes. You could hear him pacing outside the door so you hurried and locked it. You had very little tears in your eyes, but the thought of leaving was making you want to start. 

"Y/n open the door." He said softly. You quickly threw the bag into the closet and opened the door. "What do you want? I thought I was too clingy?"

"No, no, Y/n. I'v just been under a lot of stress with the cases we have and I really want to make what I said up to you." Spencer started to kiss your neck and you pushed him lightly away. "That's not the way."

You got up, but you were instantly pulled back down by Spencer. "Spencer I'm tired, just let me go." You started to tear up again. 

"I want to break up!" You blurted out.

"What?" He let go of you in shock. "Spencer you aren't the same and I think we both know that."

"No Y/n I'm so sorry please stay, I love you." 

"I shout, I swear, I get angry, I get scared,I fall, I break, I mess up, I make mistakes. But if you can't take me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best Spencer."

"Y/n please,please I'm begging you, I could never live without you." Spencer grabbed on to your wrist again. "Should have decided that before you said what you said." You pulled away and got your bag out of the closet. 

"I'll arrange to have my things sent back to my apartment." Spencer sat in a deep silence. "I wish I knew you you still." You placed a chaste kiss on his forehead. 

"But until you know yourself... I'll let you live the way you want." He still said nothing.

"Goodbye Spencer." You shut the door on your way out. You took a deep breath and drove away. 

"What's the point of being with someone who can't handle me at my worst." You said.

A/N: Inspiration from the song At My Best by Mgk and Hallie steinfeild 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now