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Alone. That's what you were. In this empty apartment that used to belong to your lover. Lover. What's a lover? It's defiantly not someone who picks up their things and leaves. Maybe it is just that. 

You didn't know what went wrong, he just left you out of nowhere. A drug. That's what he was, a drug. Something that you had become addicted to. Too much of him and it started to hurt. Too little of him and you were craving a taste. 

You just wanted him to pick up the phone. Just wanted to hear his voice. Hear what it was filled with. Hate. Love. Pain. 

What had you done that hurt him so much? Why did he leave you here? Could he feel your pain from wherever he was? Were you not good enough for him now?

You could pick up the phone and try one last time. Or you could wait until he comes back. If he ever would come back. You could go out with your friends. However what would happen when the thoughts lead back to him.

Go to his job and make a scene. How would he feel about that? Call his co-worker and ask where he is. Scream his name over and over until the thought of him is gone. Cry in pain of losing him. 

You needed to see him and feel him. What you would give just to get a hug goodbye. 

You walked, very slow, but very determined to get to your destination. Inside. Inside of his job was where he was. You watched him. Watched his every move. 

Outside is where you left to. Waiting for him to come out. You wanted to confront him. Ask him a question. Why'd he'd leave you. 

Slow paces was what he made when he was leaving the workplace. A bye to his co-workers and he was off. 

The bushes is where you hid it. Through thorns and all is where you picked it out.

Tears falling down your cheeks. They stained them with tear streaks. 

Regret is what you had left in you. No more love. No more pain. No more grief. No more anything. Just regret. No, there was something more. Anger. Anger had consumed you now. 

So when you had the black weapon in your hand you no longer had regret. You had a want. A want to kill. To kill the thing that killed you. On the inside. Now it was a need. A need to kill. To kill the person who hurt you. 

You followed him, all the way home. Where you would confront him. A liar. That's what he was. A lair that hurt you. 

This is where you would confront him. Where you would make him pay for the pain he brought to you. 

You called out his name. You made him turn around. A startled one he was. Quickly you pulled t out. He flashed a warning. You didn't care. You told him how you felt. How you wanted him to end. 

His apology wasn't enough for you. Not today it wasn't. Bang. Bang. Someone sweet is gone. 

You watched him fall to the ground. Someone you loved. Or love. He was so sweet,nothing could ever compare to him. Oh how you longed for someone like him. Dead. That's what he was. Dead.

Now you stood with that feeling of regret. A mixture of guilt. You sobbed out incoherent apologies to the dead body. You had quit your drug now, but you could feel it creeping back into you. 

Sirens was what you could hear, but you did not run. So when they took you away in handcuffs, you screamed out for him again. Shouting only one word. Spencer. 

A/N: This is pretty dark, but I'm feeling dark cause it's raining. The Periods are part of the theme, sorry if they got annoying, I'm not doing another one like this again. I would never kill Spencer btw. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now