Hair Kink*

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Season Nine Hair!!!

You twirled around in your chair like a child bored at their parent's work. You couldn't focus much on the files in front of you and you were starting to get impatient. The case was getting a little harder and your stress levels were high. You're mind wasn't focused on the case like it should have been. 

"Y/n did you figure anything out for the profile?" You stopped your chair with your feet and grabbed the file. Hotch and JJ were staring at you now while you fumbled with the files that sat in your hand. "Yes indeed I did, I found out that-." You paused looking up at Hotch.

"I didn't find out anything." Hotch gave you a glare and you apologized. JJ sat down while Hotch went back out the room. "What's up Y/n?"

"Nothing." You studied the board with the information on it. "Nope, Nope, what's really wrong?" You rolled your eyes and stared down into your lap."Promise me you won't tell the team." She nodded and you went on. "Do you have certain hair styles that you love to see on people?"

"Sure I guess so..." You raised a brow and continued. "Well, Blake already knows this, but I have minor hair kink." JJ gave a look that sent you mixed feelings. 

"Why does Blake know this?" She asked.

"I told her after she started asking me why I've been touching Spencer's hair so much lately." JJ nodded and smirked. "Does Spence know?"

"He probably does, but I'm scared he'll find it weird. I mean I put my hands in his hair more than I put my hand on his-." 

"I didn't need that much detail." JJ cut you off, "but maybe on girls night you can tell me more about this."

"Tell you more about what?" Spencer walked in along with Blake. 

"Nothing just girl things." You looked at Blake. "Is this about what I think it's about?" She asked. You nodded. 

"What? I want to know." Spencer begged. 

"Guys have we found any information on the case?" JJ put them back on track. 

"Well we went back to talk to the victims boyfriend to ask him about her, but he still didn't know anything." Blake said. You felt Spencer's eyes on you so you tried to pay attention to what Blake was saying. Morgan, Rossi, and Hotch had reappeared again and they were putting in their theories as well. 

After 2 days the case was solved and the team was on their way back home on the jet. You sat near the window across from JJ and Blake while Spencer sat next to you. You tried to busy yourself by listening to music because you couldn't sleep.

"So are you going to tell me about what you were talking about?" Spencer pulled out your earbud. 

"Wasn't planning on it, no." You giggled. "Come on I'm your boyfriend I deserve to know." Spencer pleaded more. 

"Are you still trying to figure out what we were talking about?" JJ asked.

"Yes please I just need to know what my girlfriend is thinking." Spencer looked at you with awe. "Fine Spencer, since you need to know." You grabbed his head so you could whisper in his ear.

"Oh really." He said. 

"So she told you?" Blake asked. "No. She nibbled on my ear lobe while she touched my hair."

JJ and Blake hid their laughter as they watched you smirk at his cuteness. "Here I guess I'll tell you for real." You rolled your eyes and grabbed his head again. He didn't move as you told him your secret.

"I already knew that." He went back to reading his book. "What?" You asked.

"Well when we went to go get my hair cut you almost had a panic attack, but when you saw what it looked like after, you nearly had an orgasm." You covered your face in embarrassment. "I found it adorable when I realized you had it and I didn't really think you knew you one yourself." 

"Wait how did she nearly have an orgasm?" JJ asked. 

"When Y/n orgasms her breathing starts to increase, she grabs on to something to keep her steady, she starts sweating, and she starts cursing under her breath and then-."

"I think that's enough about how I orgasm." You stopped him. 

"The point is I knew something was wrong when she started breathing heavy and she had to sit on the bench at the park we were at." JJ raised a brow and chuckled.

"I didn't need half the detail that I just received, but I guess now Y/n can stop worrying about you thinking it's weird." JJ said.

"You thought I would think it's weird?" He asked. 

"I still think it's weird so yeah I did." You told him. You put your hands in his bigger ones and laced them together. You laid your head on his shoulder while he went back to reading. 

"I love you Spencer."

"Love you too Y/n." You pet his hair lightly and smiled. 

A/N: I only starred it with (*) because it talks of sexual things so it's a warning and this one is kinda weird, but I liked the idea.

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