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You walked through the corridors of the BAU. You somehow knew exactly where to go.

You could feel the stares of many people as you walked up to your uncles door.

"Come in." You could hear him say.

"Uncle Aaron?" You peaked through the doors.

"Y/n come in please." Hotch put down the phone to stand up and give you a hug.

"How's my niece?"

"Good, I'm just excited."

"Great, let me introduce you to the team and we can get started."

Your first year in the BAU and you were working with your uncle.

"Y/n meet the team, SSA Derek Morgan, SSA David Rossi, SSA Jennifer Jareau, Tech Analysis Penelope Garcia, and Dr. Spencer Reid."

Your eyes caught onto Dr. Reid's and you fell in a trance. His sculpture like face that made him so beautiful. Those doe brown eyes that fit his looks. You couldn't stop staring.

Neither could Reid. The way your hair was pinned up and how you dressed. Your face something he'd never forget.

"Y/n..." Your uncle snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Yes." you looked up at him.

"Sit." You sat by him which happened to seat you right by the doctor.

You stole small glances at Reid while Garcia was presenting.

"Y/n are you okay?" Hotch asked you. "You've been distant all day."

"Yeah I'm fine." You smiled. "Just first day jitters."

On the plane Morgan bumped Reid shoulder. "Looks like someone found a little crush."

"What are you talking about?" Spencer was clueless.

"Oh come on kid don't act like you weren't taking glances at her."

"What! I was not!"

"Yeah you were Spence." JJ said not looking up from the file.

You walked onto the plane along with your uncle. You sat by JJ on the couch.

"Let's get started..."

After a couple months you seemed to fit in with the team more. People still didn't know that you were Hotchs niece. Except for the one person you told.

"Hey Spence you doing anything tonight?" You asked in a whisper.

You asked Spencer out a while ago and you've been keeping it a secret from everyone.

"No. You?"

"No, you wanna hang out at my place?"

"Yeah see you tonight." He said before walking away.

You always made plans like this.

Later on that night you were cuddled up with your Spencer watching Tv when there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" You opened the door to find your uncle with Jack.

"Uncle Aaron? Jack? What are you guys doing here." You swallowed hard.

"You said you'd babysit Jack while I went out with Rossi."

"Did I say that?"

"Yes you did."

"Okay umm well we will have fun bye." You tried to close the door once Jack was inside.

"Oh and Y/n tell Spencer I said hi."

"Yup." You closed the door and sighed.

"So he knows about us."

"I'm pretty sure he knew about us before now."

A/N: Sorry this is bad and I hate doing bad on request and I'm really just sorry.

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now