I See it on your Face

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Warning: Abuse

You gathered your things to go home for the evening. You knew you were already late getting home and it wasn't something you liked to do. You raced home to beat the clock. 

You opened the door of the apartment that you shared with your boyfriend. "Hey Babe I'm home." You lightly tapped his shoulder. He was sitting on the couch. 

"Why so late?" He got up. 

"I um had to finish somethings at work." You hung your bag on the side of the arm chair. You could tell he was drunk and tonight was not one of those nights to mess with him.

"Or was it because you were out trying to get some?" He grabbed your wrist pulling you to his half naked body. You rolled your eyes and tried to get out of his grip. "Don't roll your eyes at me bitch!" He pushed you causing your head to hit the edge of the counter top. You groaned and rolled over in pain. 

"When I ask you something I suggest you answer." He kicked you in your side multiple times. You shuddered when he walked away and slammed the door of the bedroom. You slowly got up and made your way to the bathroom. You saw that you had a gash on the side of your head from where you hit the counter top. You lifted your shirt up and saw the bruises that were already starting to form. You let the tears trickle down as you went to sit on the couch. 

You lied down and tried to make sense of why you were still with someone who abused you, and you came to the conclusion that you didn't have to be with him. It was hard leaving though, he would find you and make you pay, but you worked for the FBI and you hunted serial killers for a living, but this was just too much.

"Y/n?" Your head snapped up to meet Spencer's gaze. "Hey Spence, what's up?" You tried to avoid his stares. "I was wondering if you'd like to see this movie with me tonight, it's in a different language, but I can do a simultaneous whisper as we watch."

"Thank you Spencer, but I can't tonight." You turned him down. You went back to paperwork; you didn't realize Spencer was still staring at you from across the short barrier that separated desk. 

"Hey little mama!" Morgan came and tickled you in your side making you gasp and put a fake smile on your face. You desperately needed to cry and scream in pain. When he was gone you let out a sigh of relief and put you head down.

"Y/n, I know he hit you last night." Spencer said from above you. "Spencer, please don't go there." Spencer tuned you out as he pulled you by your hand to the nearest quiet place to talk.

"Y/n you try to hide it but, I see it all over your face." You fought back the tears, but there was no use you had already started. You pulled up your shirt and showed him the bruises. 

"Oh my- Y/n you let him do this to you?" You nodded and turned away from his hurt eyes. "You're coming over my house tonight and I can ask JJ to get you some clothe-"

"No Spencer, the team can not know about this and I can't go to your house."

"Will you at least ask Emily if you could come over?" You debated it. You rather be with Spencer than Emily. You loved Emily more than anything, but you felt safe in Spencer's arms. "I'll stay the night, but no one can know Spencer, promise me no body knows."

"I promise." Spencer pulled you into a hug that made you feel secure.

You went home that night since it was a slow time for serial killers. You moved quickly and efficiently while getting your clothes ready. He was gone so you had to hurry up before he came back. You went for the door, but was greeted by your boyfriend. 

"Hey babe." You said nervously. 

"Where are you going?" He asked clenching his jaw.

"The team has a case and I forgot my go-bag, is that okay?" 

"No, because you're lying to me." You backed away from him and into the kitchen. "I'm not lying baby."

"Then why are you moving away from me?" He grabbed a knife form the drawer. You instantly pulled out your gun from the back of your pants. "Oh so now you're going to try and kill me?"

You didn't want to shoot him and you weren't going to. You turned to run but he caught you and held the knife to your throat. You elbowed him making him bring the knife across your shoulder. You groaned in pain when you realized he cut you. You tried to run for the door but he pulled you down. Your gun slid on the wooden floor. It was within inches of your hand; you reached desperately for it. 

"Trevor, stop please!" You yelled as he brought the cool knife against your neck. "Please what? You tried to kill me." He said. "And now I'm going to defend myself." He lifted the knife up to bring to your chest, but your hand grabbed your gun before his arm could swing down. 

1,2, 3 shots to the stomach and he was dead. He fell onto you and his blood was seeping into your shirt by the seconds. You heard banging on the door and then your landlord walked in. 

"Oh my god! I'm calling the cops!" She screamed. 

You pushed your boyfriend off and scurried away from him. You threw your gun to the side; you choked on your endless sobs. 

After 20 minutes of you just staring at a dead body the cops came and arrested you. You didn't fight them; you just let them take you."

"Y/n!" Spencer called to you as you were being escorted out the building. "Spencer!" You called back. He used his badge to get past all the police to get to you. "Officer she's part of the FBI with the BAU."

"I don't care what she is, she killed someone and we have to interview her." The man said. "This is now a FBI case and you are to move her to our custody." Hotch walked up to you. The officer huffed and un cuffed you.

"Y/n, you're hurt?"

"Yeah, just a cut." Spencer led you to the medic. 

"Was this self defense?" Hotch asked.

"He put a knife to my throat, of course this was self defense." You saw the rest of the team approaching you as you sat getting your cut patched up. 

"Y/n I'm so glad you're okay." Emily hugged you along with Garcia, JJ, Morgan, and Rossi.

"Guys there is something I need to tell you." You looked to Spencer. 

"Trevor was abusing me and I didn't tell anyone, I was going over Spencer's apartment and he caught me trying to leave." You started crying now. You asked to be alone with Spencer and the team allowed it.

"This was all my fault." 

"No Spencer it was mine, I choose to stay instead of getting help."

"Y/n, I love you so much." 

"I love you too Spence, more than you know." You leaned into his hug. You felt secure in his embrace. You didn't want to leave. 

A/N: I got pretty lazy with it at the end if you didn't notice and I started getting bored with it so that's why it's so bad. 

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