You lost him?!

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Sum: Reader and Spencer have a 4 year old little boy, (Liam). Liam is just a trouble maker, but just like his dad, smart. It's supposed to be funny, if it's not I'm sorry. 

3rd person

Y/n left to go to a baby shower of one of your friends, leaving Spencer and their little boy Liam home alone. Spencer was excited because he got to spend time with his son. "Liam? You want to read some Edgar Allen Poe?" Spencer showed him the book. "No!" Liam screamed. "But why it has your name in it?" Confusion flustered the boys face as he looked up at his father. "Well if your mother would have let me name you Edgar Allen Poe, then that would be your name." Liam was a trouble maker and he was planning on making some trouble for his father today. Liam smiled up at Spencer with a wicked grin. Spencer thought none of it as Liam was only 4 and he was a child. "We'll just watch Doctor Who instead." He smiled down at the boy.

30 minutes passed ad the house is trashed. Spencer is in the kitchen baking a cake to try to distract Liam from breaking everything that he saw. It wasn't working as Liam walked to the couch and poured all his fruit punch on it. Lucky for Spencer, JJ suggested something that is cleanable, It wasn't the first time that Liam spilled something. "Liam stop!" Spencer rushed to get Liam, but also acidentally spilled the cake batter. He groaned in frustration. For a genius he was failing as a dad who's supposed to be in control. 

The phone started ringing and Spencer picked it up hoping it wasn't Y/n. "Y/n!"

"No, it's Emily."

"I can't talk right now, I'm busy." Spencer quietly whispered 'stop' to Liam. Liam let go and ran off. Spencer sighed and looked at the mess in the kitchen. 

"What do you need Emily?" Spencer went on to talk to Emily and clean the house up, but he wasn't paying attention to Liam. Liam walked out of the door leading out the house. Walking with his board game and mixed matched socks, he left shutting the door behind him. spencer didn't hear it at first, because he was answering Prentiss's questions about Y/n. 

"Wait Emily, I need to call you back." He hung up and listened if he could find Liam. "Liam!" He called out, No reply. "Liam, come on buddy, daddy is tired." Spencer started looking everywhere, frantically pulling open every cabinet and hiding space that they have. Spencer was about to open the door to go search for him when Y/n opened the door. "Hey baby, where are you going?" Y/n asked placing a kiss on his cheek. 

"Um... just to find Liam, we're playing hide and  go seek." Y/n raised an eyebrow at him and put her purse down. "I want to play." Y/n said to Spencer, he licked his lips trying to think of a lie he could tell. "Um okay, let's go then." 

"Liam, where are you my little boy?" Y/n was concerned after she didn't hear him giggle, which is something he always did no matter what. "Spencer, is he in the house?" Y/n tried to go back in, but Spencer stopped her. "Spencer, what's going on." Y/n said in a stern voice and when his eyes wondered away from hers, she knew. 

"You lost him!?" She started pacing back and forth. 

"No, I just can't find him!" Spencer protested. "Spencer, did you lose Liam?" Y/n ran a finger through her hair, taking a deep breath. "Yes." He swallowed. Y/n held back the urge to slap him, he was her husband after all. "It's okay, we just need to find him, okay, alright." 

"Yeah, we're profilers, we got this." Spencer assured her. "If I was Liam, where the first place I would go."

20 minutes later they found themselves knocking on the neighbors door. "Hi Ms. Cottage, have you seen-."

"Here take him, he's been fine, well fed, beat me in his game, and he's a cheater." Ms. Cottage the nice next door lady who has about 5 cats handed over Liam to his parents, giving them the board game also. "Thank you so much, oh my- 

"Gotta go watch my program, keep an eye on him, you're lucky I was even home." She closed the door in their faces. "Liam, don't you ever run away, do you hear me?"

"Yes mommy." Y/n cradled him her arms as they walked back to the house. It was still a mess from the cooking incident earlier.

"Spencer!" She yelled looking at the kitchen. "I'm going to give Liam a bath and then after I tuck him in we will talk." Spencer looked at the ground. "Say goodnight to your father Liam."

"Night- Night daddy." Liam said sleepy. "Goodnight Liam, I love you."

"Love you too." Spencer planted a kiss on his Y/h/c hair. Liam was a combination of Y/n and Spencer, he had Spencer's brain and body type, but everything else was purely Y/n, except for his hazel/brown eyes, those came from Spencer. 

While Y/n was taking Liam a bath Spencer felt it was best to start cleaning the kitchen up. He did so getting almost all of it done by time Y/n came back into the kitchen. 

"Spencer, you have to watch him." She put her head down on the clean counter top. "Today was a very scary day and... I don't know, I just worry about Liam a lot." 

"I've been trying to bond with him, but everything that I try, I can never get through to him." He sat next to her and she sat up to look him in the eye. 

"You can though, you are a genius Dr. Reid, and if you can't do it then nobody can, because you are the best father I have ever seen Spencer." He blushed. "Still making you blush and we're married, I love you so much." Y/n pulled him into a tight hug that made her squeak when he hugged her tighter. "I love you too Y/n, I love you and Liam both." 

"Yeah, but that's not going to get you out of doing the rest of the dishes, now is it?"

"Maybe?" Y/n shook her head 'no' and pointed to the dishes. "And don't come to the bedroom until the kitchen is spotless." Y/n gave him a small kiss on the cheek and then the lips. "Goodnight Spencer." 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now