Grocery Store

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You plopped down on your boyfriends lap, straddling him. "Hey babe, ready to go to the store?" Spencer looked up from his book. "Yeah, sweetie I'm ready." You grabbed his hand pulling him up along with you. 

You drove to the store up the street by the apartment. You needed some food and necessities for the apartment and you never really liked going grocery shopping without Spencer. You liked spending time with him and shutting him up when he started saying gross facts about the food. 

"So what's first on the list?" You asked Spencer. "Eggs." You pushed the cart to the egg section of the store. "Which ones do you want to buy?" Spencer looked at the eggs, which he has seen a million times and you're pretty sure he memorized it. "Just get the regular." He told you. "Are you sure?"

"Babe, we go to the store all the time, you should know all we get."

"Well last time I came to the store, you said I got the wrong kind of eggs." You whispered under your breath. "What was that?" Spencer eyes met yours. "I didn't say anything." You put the eggs in the basket. "That's what I thought." Spencer whispered in your ear slapping your butt in the process. "oh!" You squeaked. Spencer walked past you and winked. 

You smirked and shook your head, walking with him. "You're forgetting the milk." Spencer called back to you as he was already walking to the next destination. You rolled your eye walking back to get the milk. You followed him down the drink isle. 

"How about you go get the jello and I get the drinks?" You offered. "Yes, I will go do that." You watched him leave down the isle and disappear around the corner. You looked through the drinks and found what you were looking for. You reached up for the lemonade, but you couldn't reach it without it slipping from your slippery hands and falling on the floor. 

"Here, let me get that for you." A tall man got the lemonade down for you and flashed a bright smile. "Thank you so much, I didn't think getting lemonade would be so hard." 

"No problem beautiful, I would love to help out someone as beautiful as you anytime." You nodded and put the lemonade in the basket.

"My name is Gene by the way." He flashed another smile and you wanted to stab yourself for getting into this kind of situation. "Hi Gene, nice to meet you, I really got to get going, but it was nice to meet you." You tried to leave, but he held you up. 

"Um would you like to go on a date sometime?"

"I'm sorry... I can't..." You said politely. "I have a boyfriend." As if right on cue, Spencer walked up  to you. 

"I got the jello." Spencer put it in the basket. "Who's your friend?"

"Spencer, this is Gene, Gene this is Spencer my boyfriend I was telling you about." Spencer got kinda awkward so you said goodbye to the tall man and started walking. "Who was he?"

"Just a guy trying to get in my pants." You started putting things in the basket. "oh." He said timidly. "Trust me Spencer, you are the only one I want." 


"Yeah Spencer I love you." You stopped the basket. "I love you too Y/n." You smiled and kissed him. "Now lets finish this shopping."

"Indeed, I think the next thing on the list is a necessity."

"What is it?" You asked.

"Condoms." Spencer smirked slapping your butt once more. 

"Yes, we're going to need a lot of those." You smirked following him to that area of the store. 

A/N: Sorry this was short 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now