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Spencer walked through the door of the Apartment that you share. He put down his bag and looked around. "Y/n?"

"Oh babe you're home." You tried to stand up and get your crutches but you had to sit back down. "Ari came over to help me around." 

"I was just leaving, I have to go to work, bye Y/n." Ari grabbed her things and kissed your forehead. "love you."

"Love you too." You called to her. "Oh I forgot to say hi to Spencer." She waved at him. "Bye guys."

"She's amazing." You smiled at your best friends behavior. "Yeah." You stood up and grabbed your crutches. "Babe be careful, I don't want you to break your other leg."

"Spence I'm fine." You kissed him and began to make your way out off the kitchen stool and into the living room. You were interrupted by a knock at the door. When Spencer opened the door Morgan appeared with at homemade cake.

"Savannah made you a cake to say sorry for taking you and pretty boy to those salsa classes." You smiled and hobbled over to the door. "Come in Morgan, have a seat." You offered.

"I can't I have to meet up with Savannah, but I wish I could angel cakes." He handed the car to Reid and left.

You made your way to the couch accidentally falling over and hitting your other leg. You screamed out in pain.

"Y/n!" Spencer rushed to your side to help you get up. "I'm fine, babe, I'm fine."

"No you are not, sit down and let me take care of you." You sighed and lied across the couch pushing your crutches on the floor. "Did you already eat for the night?" Spencer asked from the kitchen. "Yeah, just come cuddle with me Spencer."

Spencer moved your broken leg to the side to sit down and watch T.V. with you. You always enjoyed his presence even if he couldn't stand what you were watching. "Spencer can you get me some water?"

"Of course darling." He got up get a bottle of water out of the fridge. "Oh and can you go get some extra pillows, it's uncomfortable."

"Sure thing babe." Spencer smiled and headed up the stairs. He came back down with two extra pillows and the bottle of water. "One more thing sweetheart, can you get a blanket, I forgot to ask you earlier."

"Anything Sweetheart." Your heart always melted when he called you sweetheart. Pretty soon he came back and handed you the water and positioned the pillows just the way you like them. he cuddled up on the end of the couch giving you room to move your legs. He threw the blanket on your cold body.

A few minutes into the show you started getting uncomfortable. "Spencer I wanna go upstairs." You mumbled. "I wish you could but it takes a lot to get you upstairs when you're tired and I'm not making that trip."

"Well can you at least do something to sooth the pain of being uncomfortable?"

"Like what?" Spencer raised an eyebrow. "Like hug me and kiss me and just cuddle."

"But Y/n..." Spencer started starting deeply in your eyes 

"Spencer please I'm crippled."

 "Okay." Spencer crawled on top of your figure being careful of your leg. He leaned down and kissed you softly on your lips and along your jawline.

Before you knew you were a sweaty mess and Spencer was glued to your body with the sweat. Spencer climbed off of you still panting a little. "Damn baby I said cuddle."

"I know but you are just so freaking cute, I couldn't resist." He slowly brushed your hair to the side and kissed your cheek. "Did it take away the pain?"


"Your leg, does it feel better?" You forgot that you even had a broken leg. "Oh yeah Spencer it feels great thanks."

"Does it really?"

"No spencer it feels like I broke it more." You said sarcastically. 

"Y/n?" Spencer scowled.

"I'm fine stop worrying, just because I'm crippled, doesn't mean that I can't get my freak on."

"Whatever babe, just go to sleep."

A/N: Again very short and I'm sorry. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now