Deeper Beauty

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Black Reader

You walked into the FBI in your flats and work suit. It was going to be another day catching serial killers.

"Hey Y/n did you maybe wanna catch a movie about the Russian science and math?" Spencer asked as soon as you walked in.

"I don't speak Russian Spencer."

"I can do a whisper translate, plus no one else wants to go with me." He frowned.

"Of course I'll go with you Spence, when's the movie?"

"Tonight, I'll pick you up at 7." Spencer sped off before you could say anything else.

Lucky for him there wasn't a serial killer on the loose that night.

Spencer picked you up like he said he would and you guys walked to the theater.

"Spencer were the only ones here." You told him as you sat down.

"Good now I don't have to whisper."

You were watching the movie and listening to Spencer's translations when you felt yourself getting really sleepy.

You woke up to find Spencer staring at you. You blushed wildly and started to cover yourself.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" You asked.

"Cover yourself."

You scoffed. "Don't act like you don't see it, Spencer."

"See what?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm fat and I'm ugly and no one likes me." You said.

"I love you, Y/n I think you're beautiful, you have all the right curves, gorgeous looks, and everyone including me loves you." Spencer made you look him in the eyes.

You blushed once more and he leaned in to kiss you. Usually Spencer was the shy one but tonight he was showing you so much love.

*Time skip 2 years* (sorry)

"I want you to give me a big push sweetheart." The doctor told you.

You screamed out in pain as you held onto Spencer's hand.

"One more I see the head."

One more scream and the baby popped out.

"It's a girl!"

"Oh my- Spence we did it." You started crying tears as they let you hold her.

"She's beautiful, just like you Y/n."

"I love you Spencer."

"I love you too Y/n."

A/N: okay so I'm sorry this took so long to write. I've been having so much trouble with writers block. Also sorry for shortening it. I know this was a request and I'm really just sorry it's crap writing.

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