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"Damn you were a hard one." You sighed after pulling a pocketknife from the mans body. You swiveled around and threw the knife in the dumpster. 

Your phone rang interrupting the deep silence that filled the dark ally. You smiled down at your caller ID. "My boyfriend is calling." You spoke to the deep body below you.

"Hey baby?" You spoke softly while walking back to your car that was parked several blocks away. You worked late in the evening to catch up on work; which is not all true. You did work late, but after you got off you went to your late night job. Murder.

"Are you almost home?" Spencer asked eagerly. You weren't too far away from home, but you weren't exactly right there. 

"No, I kinda had to take a break in the parking lot, cause I got really sleepy."

"Alright, but sweetheart please be careful; there is a serial killer on the lose here and I want you to be safe." You smiled at Spencer's worry. "Please Spence, I can handle myself." You chuckled.

"Okay Y/n, I have to go, but I think I should be home if we don't have any breaks in the case, bye I love you."

"I love you too." You hung up as soon as you met your destination.

You drove home listening to music and dancing along to the beats. Then a thought popped up in your brain. You listened to it carefully, analyzing everything it was telling you.

Once you got home you took a shower and put on your Pajamas. You grabbed some red wine and started drinking at your leisure. 

After a couple hours and it almost being midnight you fell asleep. "Y/n I just wanted to tell you I'm home." Spencer stood over you. He had already changed and he was now climbing into bed with you.

"Hey, did you solve the case?"

"No, but everyone was really tired so Hotch made us go home for the night." You nodded and kissed his forehead. 

"We actually think the unsub is a woman."

"A woman?" You asked surprisingly worried. 

"Yeah why does that surprise you so much?" Spencer grinned that beautiful grin that you love so much.

"It doesn't, I just thought there wasn't a lot of women serial killers in Virginia." Spencer placed a chaste kiss on your lips. "Don't worry about it, get some sleep sweetheart."  Spencer cuddled you into his arms and was out in a second. You stared at his sleeping figure before closing your eyes to sleep.

In the morning Spencer left before you so You got ready and went to work. "Hey baby? Where you going?" A guy walked up to you when you were walking to work. You had to park down the block since the parking lot was getting redone. "Work." You told him and kept walking. 

"Come on babe don't be like that." He pulled your arm making you stop in you tracks. "You know, maybe I do have time for a quickie." You said pulling you head up in a ponytail. "But we can't do it here, let's go somewhere a little private." 

The guy bit his lip and gestured for you to lead the way. You took his hand and walked down an ally. "Right here is fine." You said rummaging through your purse.You were now behind a building where nobody could see you. You found what you were looking for. "Turn around." You told him. 


"Because I have a surprise for you." You said with a seductive smile. Once he turned around your smile faded and your pursed dropped lightly on the ground. 

In a split second the man fell to his knees and your pocket knife was covered in his blood. It was spewing from his neck. You had managed to not get any on your clothes but you would have to get rid of the murder weapon. This wasn't a planned kill and you weren't prepared with any gloves. You did carry some so carefully you grabbed a wipe from your purse along with a glove. You cleaned off your prints from the murder weapon and put it back in your bag. You threw the cleaning supplies in the trash and went on. 

Spencer and the team were trying to gather information for their profile when Garcia told them that there had been another murder, but this time Spencer got worried. "That's right by where Y/n works." He said. 

He was sent with JJ and Morgan to investigate. "Reid if you want to go check on Y/n then you can, maybe she saw something." Morgan dropped Spencer off at your building.

"Ms. Y/l/n, there is someone here to see you." You assistant spoke through the crack in the door. 

"Okay go ahead and send them in." You said not looking up from your papers. 

"Y/n?" Your head snapped up at the sound of a familiar voice. "Spencer what are you doing here, shouldn't you be at work?"

"I am, there's been a murder near here and I wanted to make sure you were okay." He said walking closer to you.

"Oh, is it the same unsub?" You asked.

"Y/n something doesn't add up and everything is leading to you. Y/n please don't tell me you killed those men." Spencer's eyes were filled with hurt.

You broke down in tears and put your hand in your head and Spencer walked closer to you. You lifted you head and looked up at him. "How did you find out?" You asked nonchalantly.

"You were acting weird and then all the Murders were at least in a 3 mile radius of here, and then I found a pocket knife in your purse that matched the ones we found at the crime scenes." He told you. His hands went to yours and put them together to let him cuff you.

"No." He said.

"No, what do you mean no?" You asked in confusion.

"I'm not arresting you." He insisted.

"Spencer if they find out what I did and they know you knew you'll go to jail with me. Are you sure you want to ruin your life for me?" 

"I'd do anything for you and if that's cover up murder then so be it, I love you more than anything." 

"I love you too." You cried into his shoulder and held onto him tightly. "I'm so sorry, I should have never done it, I'm so so sorry."

"It's okay, we'll get you help if that's what you need, I just don't want you to do it again."

"I promise I won't and I'm not insane, I just felt like killing them for some reason and I might need help."

"I'll get you some, don't you worry." He kissed you and held you while she cried some more.

"I'm going to help you get through this." He kissed your forehead.

A/N: This one was kinda weirdly put together I just had the idea and no plot to it 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now