Just a little bit of your heart

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Sum: Song Fic  

2nd person 

I don't ever ask you

Where you've been

And I don't feel the need to

Know who you're with

You laid across the bed looking at your phone waiting for Spencer. Once he opened the door you felt that you could sleep. "How was the case?" You asked not looking at him, you couldn't because you knew you would break down into tears. "It was fine." His words cold and sharp. He went into the bathroom so you closed your eyes. The tears fell out even though you tried to keep them in. 

I can't even think straight

But I can tell

That you were just with her

And I'll still be a fool

I'm a fool for you

The late nights and the early mornings were starting to get quite frequent. You suspected that he was just really busy and the team was working on a lot of cases. As your curiosity grew and you called JJ, who introduced the two of you, you found that he wasn't on cases when he said he was. He wouldn't touch you and show you love anymore, you thought you did something wrong. That's when the headaches started, you couldn't even think straight. 

You saw him at a payphone one day, your heart sunk down and you felt everything in you shatter, he told you he was called in on a case. You followed him to the pay phone, but didn't confront him, you watched as he talked and smiled laughing at whoever was on the other end. You went back home and never brought it up to him again. 

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart is all I want

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

"Goodnight." You told Spencer as he climbed in the bed. "Whatever." You turned back around and silently cried. You got out of bed and went in the kitchen, bringing out the alcohol and drinking it. You sobbed into the glass and poured your heart out in your tears. 

The next morning you listened to him getting ready. Your eyes heavy with tired eye lids. "Good morning." He almost walked past you. "Y/n what are you doing up so early?" You shrugged. "I wanted to spend the morning with my boyfriend." He smiled giving you a quick kiss on the shoulder. "I'm already late and I need to go." He didn't give you the chance to say anything he just rushed out the door. 

I don't ever tell you

How I really feel

Cause I can't find the words to

Say what I mean

You called him 4 times and on the 5 time he answered. "Are you okay?" Spencer asked you. You felt anger rise in you. How dare he ask you such a stupid question. "I'm fine, are you okay?" You wanted to yell at him, like you wanted to do everyday. "I'm um coming home early today... I'll make you dinner." You looked at your work on the floor, you work at a college as a consular. "I'll try to be home then, bye." He hung up, you sighed. 

And nothing's ever easy

That's what they say

I know I'm not your only

But I'll still be a fool

Cause I'm a fool for you

You went home and cooked for him like you said you would, only he didn't come home like he said he would. You started to clean up after eating. You called your sister Victoria to get advice. "Y/n it's not easy, and I'd hate for him to be cheating, but maybe he is." 

"Thanks Vic, I'll call you back I think he's home." She said goodbye and you hung up. "The left overs are in the fridge." You tried to give him a hug, but he pushed you away. You covered your mouth to hide sob. 

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart is all I want

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

You sat up watching Spencer sleep. You crept into his bag and pulled out files and then you found his phone. You didn't find anything on it, not even a phone number and you wouldn't find a phone number because he remembered it. You heard him start rustling in his sleep. In a hurry you threw everything back in his messenger bag. "What are you doing?" 

I know I'm not your only

But at least I'm one

I heard a little love

Is better than none

"I was going to the bathroom." You lied. He opened his arms out so you could join him back in bed. You accepted and curled up against his chest. "Goodnight Y/n." He kissed your forehead. "Goodnight." 

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart is all I want

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

"Are you going out with the team?" You asked over the phone. he had taken some of his best clothes and left in the morning. "Yes, I'll be home soon. I got to go, bye." When he hung up this time you screamed. You picked up the pictures of the two of you happy and you threw them against the wall. "You lying son of a bitch!" You took out a lighter and started burning his most prized book possessions, putting them out before they got too wild. You sat in the glass crying your eyes out. You grabbed your car keys and slammed the door on the way out.

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart is all I want

Just a little bit of your heart (just a little bit)

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

"Victoria, I'm on my way to your house, I'll explain everything later-." You paused seeing Spencer in the window of a restaurant, no team just him. "Y/n what's wrong?" You never even thought to put your seatbelt on and you paid that price. You drove into the intersection not paying attention, too focused on Spencer. A semi- truck slammed into you and you dropped the phone. You flew through the window and into the street. 

As you lay in the street with the sirens sounding, you could see someone approaching the scene. "Y/n!?" Spencer yelled sprinting to you. "I-i couldn't make you happy...why couldn't I-i m-make you happy?" His glossy eyes showed how he felt. "You did, you did make me happy, I was just a fool to not see it." He was kneeling down beside you holding your hand. 

"Spencer, I'm so cold." He swallowed hard. 

"Please don't go, I took you for granted, I'll make it right." He looked around for the ambulance. 

"No Spencer it's too late to make it right, but I forgive you and I love you." You started shaking and your heart finally had enough and gave up.

"Y/n! No! I love you!" The medical people finally arrived, but you were gone and Spencer was even more broken. 

A/N: Just a little bit of your heart (Ariana Grande) 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now