Party&Friends&stress pt.2

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Requested that I do a final (final) for this so here you go

You told your best friend that you would be at the party early, but now you were 30 minutes late. "I'm sure she won't mind." Spencer said from the passenger seat. You glare and roll your eyes. 

"I'm sure she won't mind chopping my head off either." You tapped lightly on the steering wheel to the beat of the low music. 

"I wouldn't let her, is she sadistic?" Spencer asked.

"No, but she's never met you so she might be a little mad." Spencer looked out the window. He knew how much your friends meant to you. He was being selfish and only thinking about himself. 

You pulled up to the small house that held almost 100 people. You shut the engine off and grabbed your keys. 

"Are you ready?" You asked Spencer. "Yeah, are you?" You nodded pulling him in for a long kiss.

You went and knocked on the door with Spencer wrist in your hands. You saw who opened the door and it was Shelia.

"Oh I see you brought your boyfriend? He looks kinda old."

"Yeah is this proof that I have one?" She glared at you and Spencer. "Whatever, you're late." You rolled your eyes, but the wondered to your best friend who was sitting in the living room. "Come along Spencer." You pulled him to meet the eyes of (Best Friend). 

"Damn Y/n he's fine. Why didn't you want to show this to us?" She asked.

"Well there is something about him that I have to tell everyone..." You were interrupted by Spencer's phone going off. You sigh and looked up at him. He gave you an apologizing look before he went outside to take it.

"What is it?" Someone asked. You were too busy trying to see what Spencer was doing to listen to your friends. 

"Spencer is 37 years old." Everyone raised a brow and started laughing. 

"Y/n you thought we would criticize you for that?" (best friend) asked. 

"I felt it was an awkward conversation to have and I really wanted to dodge it."

"Oh sweetheart no, we honestly don't care that you guys are 17 years apart and by time you have children he'll almost be 40 and he'll be hella old when you're still in your 30's." You slumped down and sought to find Spencer in the car. Your friends were slurring drunkenly their words as they laughed at you and Spencer's age. You let it go and continued to try and find Spencer. 

"Hey babe, what are you doing?" You yelled to him from the porch. 

"I have a case and I don't want to leave you." He got out the car and embraced you in a hug. "Go Spence, people need to be saved from serial killers."

"Are you sure? I haven't even been here 20 minutes."

"Go, please, I don't think you would like it here anyway." He saw the worry in your eye and heard the hurt in your voice. "Y/n, what did they say."

"Nothing mean, they just pointed out what our lives would be like in the future. I think I want to go home and take a nap. I know it's my friends birthday, but honestly I'm so tired."

"I'll drive you home and then drive to work." Spencer suggested.

"I'd like that." You kissed his lips before getting in the passengers seat. 

"You have great friends Y/n."

"I know, but half of them are drunk and I can't be drunk with them." Spencer chuckled at your comment and drove home. 

A/N: Sorry this is so short I was trying to get it done, but I became really sleepy in the process. Btw it's my best friend's birthday tomorrow. 

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now