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You punched at the punching bag until it was swaying before you pulled back. You kicked your foot up to hit it.

You felt eyes on you so you turned around. "Oh hey Spence, thought you were Morgan."

"I actually thought he would be down here...but he's not." He gripped his messenger bag.

"You thought he'd be down here getting his butt kicked?"

Spencer laughed and shook his head. "I know he usually spars with you."

"Well Morgan is not here, but I could use a partner." You took a swig of water.

"What? Me, no, I-i don't fight."

"Come on Spence I'm not that good anyway, you might beat me."

"You ranked 6th in FBI hand to hand combat." Spencer frantically stated.

"Please for me." You gave him the puppy dog eyes that he couldn't resist. As his best friend this was how you got most things done.

Spencer sighed and put his bag down on the floor. He took off his shoes and then stepped onto the mat.

"Punch me."

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Punch me." You repeated.

"Y/n I'm not gonna punch you." He chuckled.

"Okay." You shrugged and punched him in the stomach.

"Ow!!" Spencer bent over and held his stomach.

"Punch me." You said one more time.

Spencer took your request and punched you which made you laugh. You kicked his legs back making him fall onto his back.

"Wow Spencer this is really funny." You watched and laughed at him groan in pain.

Your laughing came to a stop when he pulled you down with him. You fell with a thump and landed on your head.

It was Spencer turn to laugh at your pain. "You're right Y/n this is fun."

You elbowed him in the ribs making him lose his breath at the moment. You took this time to climb on top of him.

"You like me being on top?" You teased.

Spencer pushed you to the side and took your position. "Do like being on top?" He breathed.

You pushed him over again. "More than most." You grinned.

Spencer licked his lips before pushing you off him. He pinned your arms down above your head.

"Tell me Spencer, do you like it rough?" You bit your lip. You somehow managed to flip him over while maintaining control of him. "Cause I do."

You looked him in the eyes before connecting your lips with his. His hands found their way to your waist. You wriggled your hips to tease him.

"Y/n stop being a tease." He paused your movements. He flipped you over and began to take your clothes off. It was easy since all you had on was a sports bra and work out pants.

"Someone's eager to get me naked."

"Well you've been teasing me since I've been here." Spencer preceded to yank off his own clothes.

You gasped out for air when his lips attached to your breast. You lead Spencer to the places you wanted him to go with his hair. Spencer kissed down until he got to your heated spot.

He looked up to make eye contact and once he did it was over. You were gone and there was no stopping what was about to happen.

He placed his tongue flat on you and licked a stripe on your core. You bucked your hips trying to get more. That's when Spencer pulled completely away from you.

"What the-" You were cut off by Spencer pressing his lips to yours.

"I need to be inside you." He mumbled into your mouth. "But I don't have anything to-"

"It's fine, I'm assuming you're clean, I'm clean we're fine." That was all Spencer needed to hear.

He entered you with slow thrust. You both moaned out in pleasure. "Faster!" You told him.

He picked you up so he was on his knees and he pushed you down into him. You gripped onto his shoulders for support. The way his tight grip held you down on his meat drove you crazy.

You head fell back in ecstasy. Spencer pulled your head back even more by using your ponytail.

"Yes! Yes! Oh Spence-" you shouted when he started going at a relentless pace. His groans and moans were muffled in your neck.

"Oh I'm coming I'm coming!" You moaned out.

Spencer sped up his thrust even more and bit down hard on your neck. You knew there would be a bruise but it was worth it.

"Let go beautiful." With Spencer's words you let yourself fall into the frenzy of pleasure. Not soon after you felt Spencer spill inside you.

You watched him fall to your side panting like a dog.

"Will you go out with me?" Spencer asked.

"What?" You asked in disbelief.

"That's the real reason I came down here... to ask you that."

"Okay- but where is the shy Spencer I know?" You giggled. You were still floating on air.

"Y-you don't like me?" There goes shy Spence.

"No no Spence I do like you a lot and I would be honored to go out with you." You grinned at him.

Your phone beeped on the side of your bag and you quickly went to check the text.

"We have a case so get dressed."

You both got dressed and ready to go. You had put perfume on to mask the smell.

Spencer walked in awkwardly after you. You ignored the stares from the rest of the team.

"What?" You finally asked.

"Y/n I'm gonna have to ask you and Reid to clean up that gym when we get back." Rossi said.

"What are you talking about?" You asked embarrassed.

"Honey the whole building heard the two of you." JJ laughed.

"Yeah Y/n that will forever be burned inside my innocent head, the video is like a porno, ew." Garcia complained.

"How come I never get that when I spar with you?" Morgan teased.

"Ew no Morgan." You rolled your eyes. "You have a girlfriend anyway."

"Let's just say I don't want to see the video ever again." Blake said.

"Alright team lets get started." Hotch walked in.

A/N: sorry if this was too much for some. I put a warning on it

Spencer Reid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now