This Moment

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Warnings: Langage, Angst, violence, so much pain

"Y/n!" Spencer called out. There he saw that you were crouched over with blood spilling out your mouth. "Y/n!" He helped you lie down. 

"S-spencer... I'm s-so c-cold." More blood spilled out your mouth. You were bleeding more out your stab wound. 

Recap back to the day you took this case. The team was worn out and there was no way that everyone was on top of this case. It had been about a month after Hotch left and Prentiss took over. The team was mostly focused on finding scratch. 

This case was supposed to be easy. The guy was killing people with knives and no one knew what to do. So they called the BAU in. 

It was tiring, but when the team figured that he liked Y/h/c colored hair and Y/e/c eyes they sent you under cover to infiltrate him.

And here you were... bleeding in Spencer's arms. Your best friend and secret boyfriend Spencer. "I-I Love y-you." You gasped. 

"You are not dying Y/n. I'm right here. Listen to my voice." Spencer turned you over so that you could spit out the blood in your mouth. 

Spencer could remember your last words before you went out into the field. "I promise we'll look for that new apartment when I get back." You'd kissed him before heading out.

You were aching, not only from the stabbing, but the brutal beating you took moments before it. He took you in the back and that's when you were struck by his fist. You put up a great fight. Just trying to keep the killer at bay until the team could show up. They were supposed to be close by. 

"You little bitch!" The killer shouted as you had roundhouse kicked him in the face. 

You were shoved against the wall by your neck and then thrown into a nearby wooden table. The table was smashed and you groaned and rolled over trying to find your gun you'd dropped, only to be pulled back by your hair.

You bit him, but he quickly slammed you into the wall again, this time pulling out his knife. "You won't do it." You taunted. "You can't do it." 

"Better shut up you little slut!" He pressed the knife near your stomach. "Your blood will be on this blade." He grunted. "It will penetrate you in the worse ways."

You spit out the blood that was building in you. Spencer brushed your hair back from your face. He was putting pressure on the wound trying to keep you stable until the ambulance was there. The sirens weren't far, but you were losing blood by the minute. 

"S-sing m-me a s-song please." You weakly lifted your hand up to his face. Spencer quickly entrapped your hand in his.

Spencer picked a song that he'd heard you singing once to yourself and it reminded him of the relationship you both had put so much time and love into. "Cause it's us against the world...You and me against them all...If you listen to these words...Know that we are standing tall...I don't ever see the day that...I won't catch you when you fall...Cause it's us against the world tonight." 

The unsub was relentless. He kept you still, choking you until help came. "Jacob Dunlin! Put the knife down and step away from her." Spencer yelled. 

He didn't care about dying, he thrusted the knife into your torso. You gasped and looked down as you heard the gun shots. Then you were falling into Spencer's arms.

"Please, please Y/n don't leave me." Spencer cried. The rest of the team had showed up late along with the ambulances. 

"Reid! You have to let go of her!" Alvez told him as the paramedics put you on the stretcher, rushing you back into the ambulance. Spencer frantically tried to follow and get into the ambulance. They reluctantly let him in. 

You were dropping, you desperately tried to keep your eyes open. You started to ramble openly. Your mind subconsciously slipping. Memories flooding your pounding head. The memory of Spencer.

"Spencer, why are you such a dork!" You giggled when Spencer dragged you into watching a whole marathon of his favorite shows. You loved him so much, you couldn't deny him anything. 

"You are a dork too that's why you love me." He cuddled more into you under the blanket.

"I do love you."

Spencer followed as far as he could once they wheeled you into the operating room. Your blood was all over his hands. They stained them red, a red like his puffy eyes. JJ saw him standing in the middle of the way staring down at his hands.

"Hey you should get cleaned up." She led him to the mens restroom. 

Spencer broke down in more sobs as he washed the blood from him. "It's not your fault." He could hear your voice speaking to him. "You didn't know." Eventually Spencer snapped out of it. He joined the rest of the team in the waiting room. He said nothing for hours, even when someone offered him something. 

The doctor came out, everyone stood with hopeful faces. "She put up a fight, I'm so sorry for your loss." He explained. 

Spencer lost it when he saw your body lying on the table, cold and lifeless. All the color drained out of you. "I'm sorry..." He repeated over and over. "I love you so much."

"Do you ever wanna get married?" You asked Spencer. "Have kids that look just like you?"

"Only if they look like you too." He said on a Friday night in the park. "You're the only one I picture my life with."

"Y/n and I were in love, she was the most perfect human anyone could had asked for. She wouldn't want me to mourn so much over her death, but to remember her."  Spencer spoke at your funeral. "I loved her so much." He stepped away when he started crying.

"If I die Spencer, play party songs at my funeral." You giggled as they strapped you in for zip lining. 

Spencer laughed. "You can't die, not before our 50th anniversary together."

"Gotta put a ring on me first Spency!" You screamed as you went down the zip line.

Now Spencer stared at the diamond ring, wondering why he could never muster up enough courage to make you his wife. 

A/N: Soooooo I cried when I made this, don't know why I did this, but enjoy this pain.

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