You Fascinate Me

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Warnings: None I think

You walked into the bullpen of the BAU. You were visiting your friend JJ, who said she wanted you to stop by. You could only stay for a little while because you had to go check in on your company. You own a makeup company that's vegan, meaning you don't test on animals and you're very environment friendly.

"JJ?" You say gaining her attention. 

"Y/n it's so good to see you. I hope it wasn't any trouble getting here?" She asked hugging your frame. 

You shook your head and smiled. "It was fine, but you sounded urgent when you called me. Everything alright?" You gave her that worried friend look.

"Oh yeah everything is amazing I just wanted to talk to you..." She trailed off seeing you weren't paying any attention to her. "Y/n?"

You watched with your mouth open and probably drooling at the man behind JJ. He sat at his desk reading fast. You watched him smile when the bigger more muscular guy came up to him. "Who is he?" You asked totally ignoring what JJ was saying.

"Who Derek?" She pointed to the muscular guy. When you shook your head she pointed to who you saw. "Spencer?"

You merely nodded and looked him up and down. "I want him." It wasn't rare for JJ to hear that come from your mouth. When you wanted something you usually got it. You strayed from where you stood. You found yourself in front of Spencer and Derek. 

"Hey guys this is one of my best friends Y/n, she came to visit me." JJ introduced you to them. "Y/n this is Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid."

Spencer looked you in the eyes and saw just what you were seeing. Fascination.

A/N: This one was short because half way through it I got tired of the idea, but I wrote too much to delete so here you go. 

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