What's Right pt.2

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"Reid you can't keep denying what you have for her." Morgan said as they drove back to the BAU.

"Derek, I think Spence is right, Y/n is not capable of killing anyone."

"Thank you JJ."

"JJ something just doesn't add up, why now? Why does she want Reid to do this now?" Morgan argued. "If a jury found her guilty why shouldn't we?"

Spencer got out of the car as soon as he could. He couldn't stand what Morgan was saying about you. He didn't even know you and he was judging you by something false.

"Reid we found some evidence that doesn't exactly go with her." Kate handed Reid the file. "Most of the evidence points to her though."

"She didn't do it." Spencer shook his head.

"Is it possible that I go meet her maybe?" Kate asked.

"We'd have to go tomorrow, visiting hours are up."

Kate nodded and patted Spencer back. He looked through the files and quickly came to a conclusion.

"Reid... if anything is clouding your judgement about this then I need to know." Hotch warned.

"Nothing is going on between us, she's a innocent woman in a place she doesn't deserve to be in." Spencer told him.

"If this is about what happened to Maeve-"

"Maeve wasn't in prison, so how could it pertain to Maeve?" Spencer walked past him.

It had gotten late and now everyone was leaving for home, but Spencer still stayed looking through files on his desk.

"Spence you should go home and get some rest." JJ told him.

Spencer licked his lips before he spoke. "What did you and Y/n talk about that made you believe her?"

"Well the fact that you trusted her and she didn't look like someone who could kill someone, she was too smart for that, too kind hearted."

Spencer let out a soft laugh. "She once told me that she almost caused a traffic accident because a squirrel ran out in front of her and she didn't want to kill it."

"Spencer about Derek, you know all he wants is the best for you and he doesn't want you to get hurt again."

"The thing is... I'm not in love with her like he says I am." He looked up at her.

"Ohhh righhhtttt." JJ said sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Spencer furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nothing, goodnight Spence."

The next morning Spencer took Kate to visit you. You were sitting down waiting for them to get there.

"Hey." You waved when they entered.

"Y/n I'd like you to meet Kate Callahan." You gave a small wave to Spencer friend.

"So Y/n... what was your relationship with Nick?"

"He was my old assistant, then he got a promotion."

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