Fifty Shades Of Spencer Reid

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Sum: Title says all. Super smutty. I got some of the ideas from the Fifty Shades Darker  trailer. It so good though. 

Warning: Don't read if uncomfortable with smut and bad language. 

2nd person

You walked slowly in your black dress.It had  It was skin tight, showed all your curves, and it turned half the BAU members on. It's the BAU annual holiday party, this year the rented a venue that elegant and beautiful, so you had to dress elegant and beautiful. Your heels clicked on the marble floors, heads turned when they saw you on your way near them. Many men and women gawked at you. Many men came up to you, but you turned them down. "Y/n, You look stunning..." JJ started, welcoming you with a hug. "Y/n Oh my god wow." Rossi gasped, giving you two kisses on each cheek. "Thank you guys so much." 

"Y/n, you look great." Hotch and Morgan approached. "Pretty little lady." Morgan teased you. Penelope joined with Blake. "Y/n, you look... I'm speechless." You laughed at Garcia's comment, blake agreed with Garcia. 

"Has anyone seen Reid?" JJ asked, she was currently tending to fixing Will's tie. "We haven't seen him. Y/n?" Your head snapped up to Rossi's, your face full of curiosity. "I don't know, we didn't talk that much today." You couldn't understand why Rossi called you out, it vexed you in such a way you couldn't think for a moment. You excused yourself from the group, walking away. A server offered wine to you, you thanked him drinking the white wine. 

You didn't move a muscle as you felt someone touch your upper waist. "Anderson, If you want to play games, I'm not in the mood..." You hummed turning around to face Anderson. "I'm sorry Y/n you just look so pretty tonight." You smirked grabbing his tie. "Thank you Anderson." Your blood red lips dangerously close to his. You let him go leaving him. 

You still could not stop thinking about what Rossi said, you didn't think it was that obvious that you had a minor crush on Spencer. Tonight was the night you let all shyness aside, tonight showed the sexy side of you, mysterious sexy side. 

All eyes were on you tonight on the dance floor and on the side. You liked the attention, getting everyone riled up cause of how you were dressed turned you on. "Agent..." You tensed as you heard a low growl in your ear. The warm air on your ear causing you to sigh. "Good evening." You didn't make eye contact with the person, but you could tell who it was. "Would you care to dance?" You looked down at the long arm that had extended out. "My pleasure." You smirked. You faced your new found lover. He placed his hand on your lower back, the other on your waist. Your hands went to his neck nipping at the small hair. 

You felt everyone shift, you felt like you had more room than anyone. You danced gracefully staring into dark hazel chocolate eyes. "Such a tease darling...tell me, are you trying to tease me?" You bit your lip. "Maybe." You leaned into his ear, grabbing a handful of his hair. "The song is over." You smirked, your heels turing around. 

Later on in the night a note had been slipped to you. You looked around, seeing what you were looking for. You opened the black door cautiously, feeling warm air on your chilly skin. You gasped feeling lips on your neck. You turned around and was roughly pushed against the wall. You groaned and pulled him back down to capture your lips. He tapped your thighs so you could jump on to his waist. "I was beginning to think that I would have to beg for you." He chuckled darkly. You pulled at his hair earning a small gasp. "Still do." He pushed into you sliding his hands up your legs sending chills to your spine. "I'd watch that pretty little mouth if I were you, darling." 

"Spencer." You moaned as you started getting turned on by his dominance. You felt a sharp pleasurable pain on your neck, you gasped at it, but the gasped was muffled as Spencer kissed you hard. He put your hands above your head while his other hand reached around back and unzipped your gorgeous black dress. It fell to the floor with ease, Spencer's eyes fell to lust along with it. You released your legs from his waist and stood staring at him. "Do you like what you see?" You bit your lip tracing your exposed skin. Something told you tonight would call for only the best lingerie. "You're so fucking beautiful." Spencer gently so not to tear, unclasped your black lace bra. "I hate to see them go." He fondled your perky breast, kissing and biting on them. You pulled him up for a kiss, it was short but passionate kiss. Spencer slowly started to slid the damp lacy panties down your smooth legs. You moaned at the cool feeling on your wetness.

"Spencer..." You moaned out, his lips had attached themselves onto your sensitive clit. The flat of his tongue licked up your stripe. Your hands found their way to his hair,  pulling at it softly. "Oh fuck... yes." Spencer added his fingers into the mix of his mouth. "Faster Spencer." Spencer complied to what you demanded and added a second long finger pumping faster, he slurped as he did so. You felt the not in your stomach and you knew that you were close.

"Darling let go." Spencer curled his fingers bringing you to your end. "Fuck....!!" You quietly screamed, panting profanities. When Spencer came up you gave him a needy kiss. You reached down to unbuckle his pants, along with his suit. You gave his already hard member a few pumps before sliding to your knees. You put the tip your mouth slowly, teasing him to no end. His head flew back, you took as much as you could and started bobbling your head back and forth. Looking innocent into his eyes as you deep throated him. "Y/n... shit, if you keep doing that I won't last long baby."He grabbed onto your hair for support. His words meaning nothing as you bought him to his edge and then stopped, he wined at the loss. You exchanged kisses before Spencer picked you up putting you on the long but not wide chair.

"Are you ready darling?" He caressed your cheek as he lined himself up with your entrance. "Fuck me sir." Spencer paused at your choice of words before slamming into you with full speed.  You screamed at the pleasure that you were getting, the pain was only making it hotter. "Oh my god! Yes Spencer!" You moaned, he groaned loudly as he held you by your neck. "Say my name Y/n... say it!" 

"Spencer! Oh fuck Spencer!" He massaged your breast while kissing your sweet spot, not many guys could find your sweet spot, but Spencer found it on the first try. "Spencer, I'm so close!"

"Me too, come for me beautiful." He moaned, the beads of sweat ran down from his messy brown hair. He furiously rubbed your clit and bit down on your neck. Your walls clenched around him and you unleashed a mind-blowing orgasm. you spilled out swear words left from right. Spencer followed soon after, spilling inside you, milking you out of our high. He collapsed on the side of you panting. "That was amazing." Spencer caught his breath 

"That was beyond amazing, I like you Spencer." You let your emotions go and waited for a response. "I like you do you want to go out with me?" 

"Of course, but you better be lucky that I'm on birth control Reid." You started getting your stuff on, It was almost midnight and that's when the party was over. You put perfume on to mask the stench of sex, you fixed your hair and made it look like nothing happened. Spencer did the same, you walked out first fluffing your hair out. The team was in the begging of speeches, you paused as the spotlight hit you as you came out the hangout room. "There's Y/n Y/l/n one of the finest agents I know." Hotch introduced you. "...And Dr. Spencer Reid?" You turned around seeing Spencer who was still trying to fix himself. You felt all eyes on you, you smirked flipping your hair and joining the team. "What?" You asked innocently as they watched a flustered Reid appear. "Nothing..." You smirked putting your body under Spencer's arm. Hotch was still shocked at what just happened... Good thing you made Spencer read Fifty Shades Of Gray.

A/N: I'm so sorry this was super smutty and I will try not to be this smutty all the time. Sorry again.  

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