🍞👑 ◇ The Secrets You Keep

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Since there isnt a lot of Kageyama books I decided to do a oneshot book. It will be updated every 3 days or sooner if I come up with an idea quickly.

Ship- OiKage

Setting- Karasuno and Aoba Johsai are having a pratice match

3rd Person Pov

The pratice match between Karasuno and Aoba Johsai was coming to a end. With Karasuno ending up winning with winning the first and third set. They were helping Aoba Johsai clean up their gym.

"Can't we play another set?" Hinata asked as Kageyama also had the same idea but didnt voice his question.

"I would love to Chibi-chan, but some of us have lives outside of volleyball" Oikawa called out to them from the other side of the gym. Hinata pouted, but continued to clean up as Kageyama stared at Oikawa.

'We havent had time together recently because of volleyball. I wonder if we can at least hangout today' he thought as he resumed cleaning up.

Soon the gym was cleaned up and Karasuno was about to get on the bus when Oikawa called out to Kageyama.

"Tobio-chan can I talk to you for a second?" he asked as Kageyama looked at Daichi.

"Good ahead we will wait for you" Daichi said as Kageyama nods and goes over to Oikawa

"You want to hangout?" he asked as Kageyama let a little smile to fall onto his face.

"Yeah I do. My place?" Kageyama asked as Oikawa nods.

"I'll meet you there" he said before he turned around and went back into the school as Kageyama went to the bus and got on.

"What was that about Kageyama?" Hinata asked even if the whole team was listening as they all were curious to

"Nothing important" he responded vaguely as he knew everyone was listening into their conversation.

"Awww come on tell me" Hinata whined out as Kageyama rolled his eyes.

"No, and you cant make me say anything" he said as he looked outside signaling the conversation was over.

He heard Hinata huff a little but didnt push it which made him glad that they were friends.

Hinata pushed him, but knew when to stop asking and either change the topic or just stop the conversation all together.

He was glad that he had someone like Hinata in his life. They soon got back to Karasuno and everyone went their own ways home.

Kageyama walked home at a slightly faster speed as he was excited to hangout with Oikawa.

He soon got home and saw Oikawa sitting on the couch waiting for him and he quickly takes his shoes off.

Oikawa looked over "In a hurry for someone?" he asked with a chuckle as Kageyamam sits down on the couch

"Yeah I am. Wanna guess who?" he asked as they began cuddling.

"Must be someone close to you Tobio-chan" Oikawa said softly with a soft smile.

"Very special Toru" Kageyama whispered, but he knew Oikawa heard him. Oikawa leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

Kageyama yawns as he nuzzled into Oikawas chest.

"Get some rest Tobio-chan its the weekend" he whispered as he played with Kageyamas hair.

Kageyama nods as he closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly. Oikawa pulled a blanket over them before falling asleep to.

When Kageyama woke up he expected to be quiet as he laid there and waited for Oikawa to wake up, but that didnt happen.

What really happened was that he woke up to a lot of noise and he slowly opened his eyes.

Once he opened his eyes he saw his team standing there as they all were gawking at him and Oikawa.

"Mm time?" he asked sleepily as he felt around for his phone.

"Its 9 am Kageyama" Hinata said making him nod.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" he asked as he began to wake up more.

"Well we were gonna go on a team trip to some shops, but you werent answering the phone so we came here and found the both of you" Daichi answered his question as Kageyama stretches.

Oikawa began waking up from the noise and opened his eyes and shrieked a little not expecting them to be there.

"Toru to loud" he mumbled not noticing the looks the team was making to each other

"Are you guys a couple?" Hinata asked finally breaking the silence.

Kageyama nods "Have been since I was in my third year of middle school" he said before he signed "It was supposed to be a secret till I was ready to tell you guys"

"Ooh we're sorry Kageyama we didnt mean to pressure you into telling us" Sugawara said

"Its alright it was bound to happen sooner or later" he said before he yawns again " Can we meet in like a hour so I can get ready?" he asked.

The team nods as they all left and Kageyama cuddled into Oikawa

"That went better then I expected" Oikawa said softly

"Even if they didnt accept us. I wouldnt care" Kageyama said as they stayed cuddled up for most of the hour he had to get ready

Word Count- 863

Hope you guys like this and if you have requests please comment them

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