📘👑- Studying

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This was requested by jangdongwoo123

Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- AkaKage

Setting- Kageyama and Akaashi are studying together

Kageyama Pov

I was reading from my school book as I wrote a few notes. I had a test the next day and this time I didnt want to fail.

Akaashi had offered to study with me as I tended to get distracted easily. I looked up at Akaashi and he felt my gaze and looked at me

"Need help?" He asked.

I shake my head.

"No just need a break" I said with a sigh.

He looks at the time and hums.

"We've been studying for an hour so we can take a break" he said making me smile.

"Really?" I asked.

Akaashi chuckles as he nods.

"Yup" he said with a smile.

I got up and stretched. I decided to go get us some snacks and a drink.

I left my room and went downstairs and got whatever snacks I could find. I got two cups and filled them with water and went back upstairs.

I set everything down and Akaashi take a sip of water.

"Thanks Tobio" he said as I nodded.

"Youre welcome" I said as I sat down next to him.

I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for coming to study with me" I said softly.

Akaashi looks at me as he began to run his fingers through my hair.

"Youre welcome" he said and kissed my forehead.

I smiled and we stayed like for another ten minutes before we had to get back to studying.

I went back to writing notes before I actually went onto my homework. I always saved my homework for last as most of the time I didnt understand how to do it.

It also took the longest and I dread doing my homework everytime the teacher gives us some. I looked up at Akaashi and hummed.

"No we just had a break Kags" he said without even looking at me.

"I wasn't thinking about that. Just my homework. I don't know how to do it" I said with a huff.

He looks up.

"Hand it over" he said and held his hand out.

I nodded and gave the homework over. He read it and looked at the problems.

"I've done this before come here" he said and moved over a bit.

I moved so I was closer as Akaashi began explaining how to do each problem and helping me do them. It didn't even take an hour to finish all my homework.

"Thanks this would of took me hours to do" I said.

Akaashi nods as he was cleaning up his books.

He was spending the night as I had tricked my mom into letting him stay the night. If she knew he was my boyfriend she would of never let him stay the night for some reason.

But I guess that doesn't matter now. All that matters is that I get to cuddle with my boyfriend and fall asleep on his chest.

Word Count- 510

This was supposed to come out earlier in the week but I got caught in playing video games.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy this.

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