📱👑- Stoner Boyfriends- Pt 2

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For those who wanted part 2 here you go

Also what do you guys want for a 60k special. I kinda need ideas


Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- SunaKage

Also some characters act fanon for this oneshot series. Normally I would write them as Canon as possible for the sake of the series they need to act fanon

Setting- The team trys to stop Kageyama but he isn't having it.

Kageyama Pov

I opened the doors to the gym to see everyone looking at me. I was already in a bad mood this morning.

I had found out that someone had been going through my phone. Someone on my team.

I know it wasn't Suna as he either asks or just does it in front of me. Plus we usually laugh at whatever he finds or talk it out.

As I can go through his phone and we do the same thing. We don't do it often as I show him a lot of what is on my phone just normally.

We've built trust up over the course of our relationship and it's helped us grow closer together. I ignored the team and warmed up by myself.

Hinata came over to me and I was about to blow up when he just began warming up silently with me. I calmed down and contuined.

If he isn't gonna say anything about it then I don't have a problem. It's whoever says something and makes it a big deal that I have problems with.

I could hear Noya and Tanaka talking. They weren't trying to be quiet either.

They were "whispering" about Sugawara and his mama mode. I looked over to see him trying tk get into my phone.

Luckily I had changed it this morning. Hinata looked to where I was looking and I could see his body tense.

I was about to go over there and get my phone when Hinata got up. He walked calmly over to Sugawra and held out his hand.

Poor naive Sugawara thought he was gonna open the phone for him. He didn't.

Hinata took it and brought it over to me.

"Thanks" I said quietly and shut it all the way down.

I moved my stuff so it was away from everyone else.

"Hey Kageyama" hinata said as he walked over to me.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"If you guys ever need help getting any let me know" he whispered.

I looked at him in shock but quickly nodded.

"I didn't know you smoked" I said quietly.

Hinata shrugged a little.

"Not often but my uncle grows it so it's easy to get" he said as he smiled.

"Ill let Suna know but thank you Hinata" I said

"Youre welcome" he said before grinning. "Now come on let's practice"

I nodded and followed him as he grinned at me.

Word Count- 483

I totally didn't give Hinata a uncle that does that becuase my uncle grows it lol


Hope you guys enjoyed this

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