🤪👑 ◇ The Monster's King

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This chapter is brought to my sister giving this idea.


Ship- TenKage

Setting- Tendou and Kageyama are fighting, as the team sees it, but really they're bantering with each other

Kageyama Pov

I grin and Tendou grins back as both our teams are trying to stop us from even talking. We're bantering with each other but everyone thinks we're fighting.

The only ones who get it were Hinata and Ushijima. They only chuckled as we interacted.

After they got a point Tendou looks at me.

"Aww is the King getting mad?" He asked teasingly as everyone on my team held their breath.

I just grinned back as I looked at Tendou.

"No, but I think the monster of his team is loosing his touch" I said as Tendou chuckled.

I could see some of his team wanting to come over to me but Tendou just shakes his head. He then winks at me making me blush.

I hid it as the match continued. This happened the whole match.

I was shocked but didnt show it as we won. I really thought we were gonna lose with Ushijimas spikes and Tendous blocks.

I always had admired Tendous skill in blocking and he had been teaching how to do the guess blocking. We all hugged each other before we thanked everyone who came to support us.

I went to the bathroom to just cool down and get away from my team. I heard the bathroom open and I look up to see Tendou.

"Satori" I said softly as he smiled at me.

"Tobio" he said back as I hugged him.

"You were amazing Satori" I said into his neck as we hugged.

He chuckled softly and it vibrated my chest a bit.

"You were to. I could never set like you do." He said making me blush a little as he also kissed my cheek.

"Ill see you tommrow. My mom said she invited you over" I said as I pulled away from the hug.

"She did and I will be there" he said making me grin.

"Good" I said before I kissed his cheek making him look at me in shock.

I just grinned before I left the bathroom and caught up with my team. Tommrow is definitely gonna be great.

Word Count- 384

Hope you guys enjoy. Also I have an idea for a chapter but it doesn't involve Kageyama would you guys want that to be written out or not?

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