👑🏐- Please Stop

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Ship- platonic KageHina

Tw- talk of unwanted sexual advances/ sexual harassment (I think please tell me if this is wrong tho)

Setting- Kageyama finally talks to Hinata about something

Kageyama Pov

I looked at Hinata as we both were quietly doing homework.

"Shoyo?" I asked quietly.

Hinata looked up and looked at me.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I think I'm asexual" I said quietly.l and hesitantly.

Hinata smiles at me and hugs me.

"Thank you for telling me and for being brave enough to do so" he said with a grin which made me relax.

"Youre welcome" I said with a little grin of my own.

"Is there anything else? You were kinda hesitant about telling me" he asked worriedly.

"Umm... yeah kinda" I said as I gripped my pencil tighter.

"Okay do you wanna talk about it? We can go back to doing our homework" he said with a smile.

"No I want to tell you" I said and turned so I was facing Hinata. "You know my boyfriend Kai?"

Hinata nods.

"Yeah I do. He seemed kinda weird" he said before looking at me "Sorry I shouldn't of said that"

"No its fine. I came out to him a few days ago..." I started and gripped my pants.

"Did it go good?" He asked with a worreid face.

I shook my head.

"No... he's been more touchy in private now and even when I've said no and slapped his hand away he won't stop. He thinks I'm making this up to just not have sex with him. I mean I don't want to have sex with him but I don't want to have it with anyone" I said as tears began to collect in my eyes.

"Oh Kags come here" he said and brought me into another hug.

I hugged back and gripped his shirt.

"No matter what he says. If you feel like asexual fits you then you're asexual. You should probably break up with Kai though" he said as he pulled away slightly to look at me.

"I know I just don't have anywhere to go" I said softly.

"You can stay in my spare bedroom" he said with a grin.

I smiled as I looked at Hinata.

"Thanks" I said and just relaxed against his chest.

"Of course" he said and kept me close.

Word Count- 400

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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