🐝👑 ◇ Homework Troubles

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Someone wanted some AtsuKage from my 30k special so here you go.

Hope you enjoy

Ship- AtsuKage

Setting- Kageyama is having troubles with his homework

Kageyama Pov

I was at my desk doing homework and had my laptop open. It was on and I was awaiting a call from my boyfriend.

We called almost daily since we couldn't see each other every day. I signed as I rested my head in my hands

'I don't understand this. How can people understand math?' I asked myself as I looked at my worksheet.

Soon a ringing came from my laptop making me look at it. I smiled and clicked accept.

Atsumu soon was on my screen and I smiled more. He was already smiling and waving.

"How was your day?" I asked him instantly.

I was glad to have a little break from my homework.

"It was good. The teachers didn't give out homework today so that's a bonus. How was yours?" He asked happily.

"It was okay. My math teacher is the only one that gave homework it's like they're out to get me" I replied as Atsumu hummed.

"Do you understand it?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Not this stuff. When we first started doing it I did but now it's too confusing" I said as I signed. "I'm gonna be here all night"

"No, you won't. Ill help just send me a picture of it and ill help you through the problems. Maybe I can explain it better so you can understand" he said softly.

I nodded and took a picture of it and sent it to him. Atsumu looked at the picture and nods.

"Okay, we already did this so ill be able to help," he said and began going through each problem with me.

After about an hour and a half, we were finally done. I finally got it and even did some of the problems by myself.

Atsumu helped and showed me how to do it a different easier way.

"Thanks, Atsu" I mumbled tiredly as I rubbed my eyes.

I didn't realize it but Atsumu had taken a picture of me when I rubbed my eyes.

"You're welcome Tobio," he said with a soft smile on his face.

I checked the time and pouted a little.

"Why the pout?" He asked.

"I have to get ready and go to bed. I wish I could talk to you more" I said as I looked at the laptop.

"Well you can get ready and we can keep the call going and fall asleep on it" Atsumu suggested.

"That sounds good. Let me change and set everything up" I said as I went off-screen to change.

I could hear Atsumu doing the same thing. Soon I moved my laptop so it was facing my bed and moved a couple of things.

I then plugged in my laptop so it wouldn't die in the middle of the night. Atsumu came onto the screen and he was already laying in bed.

I then got into bed and set my alarm before yawning.

"You're so cute," Atsumu said as he grinned.

"Shut up," I said tiredly as I glared at him but it held no heat.

"Get some rest Tobio," he said softly.

"You to Atsu," I said before my eyes slipped close and before I knew it I was asleep.

Word Count- 566

Hope you guys enjoyed this and if you have any requests leave them in the comments or dm me.

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