👑🧭- You Can Ice Skate?

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Would you guys want a discord server for 100k reads so you guys can get to know me better?

But I hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- Otayuri

Extra Info- Kageyama is Yuri and dyed his hair black and changed the style so people wouldn't recognize him

Setting- Its team bonding day and they decide to go to the ice rink

Kageyama Pov

We were all walking to the ice rink close to Karasuno. It was Friday which means it's team bonding day.

I didn't hate it but everyone decided to do ice skating this time. It wouldn't have been bad if I didn't practice at the ice rink we are going to.

We got closer and closer and I got more nervous as we did. I didnt want the team knowing I was a famous ice skater.

Nor that I was Yuri. I didnt want my worlds to collide so soon but I knew it was gonna happen at some point.

We soon got to the ice rink and I greated some of the staff as most of team went to go get skates. I sat down on the bench and began getting mine on.

They were my older pair but they still fit.

"Woah those are really cool Kageyama" I heard Hinata say as he sat next to me.

I nodded and focused on tying my shoes.

"Do you ice skate a lot?" Yamaguchi asked as he and Tsukishima sat in front of Hinata and I.

"I do. It was something my grandpa and I used to do" I said softly as he nodded and left it at that.

I soon finished and went to the rink and waited. I had practice today after team bonding so the rink was closed to the public.

Besides the team, Otabek was the only one here. I smiled as I saw him practicing.

He saw me and smiled back and waved. I waved back and got excited.

I couldn't wait to show him how well I could do a double axel. Soon the team finished and we all went out onto the ice.

The team had someone there to help them as I skated around to warm up. I noticed Otabek go to the side of the rink to take a break and watch me.

I hummed as I passed my team multiple times at different speeds. I rolled my arms a little and grinned.

I passed my team once more and the trainer noticed what I was gonna do and kept my team on one side of the rink. They were confused till they looked at me.

I began to speed up and could hear them start to shout. I paid them no mind and did the double axel like I had been practicing.

I landed it and skated over to Otabek.

"Better?" I asked.

"A lot better" he replied before kissing me.

I kissed back and ignored my teammates.

Word Count- 495

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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