💻👑 ◇ Gamer

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This was requested by @yiselle0306
Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- KenKage

Setting- Kenma hasn't been taking care of himself lately and Hinata tells Kageyama

Kageyama Pov

I've noticed that Hinata has been distracted today at practice.

He's been performing the same, but everytime we have break he's  off in his own little world.

Kenma also hasn't been answering my texts recently.

Usually he would pause his game and text me back for a few minutes before going back to it.

But now.

He hasn't text back until hours later.

I mean I do that to sometimes when aim practicing volleyball, but Kenmas been doing it a lot.

Its starting to worry me.

I cant actively go to his house everyday as he lives in the city and I dont.

So, its hard to see him but I go over every weekend or he comes to Miyagi.

Luckily its Friday and its my turn to go to his house.

Practice was wrapping up when Hinata came over to me.

"Kageyama" he said and looked over him.

"Hm?" I asked him.

"I just want you to know that Kenma hasn't been taking care of himself. He hasn't been eating, barely sleeping, and not focused at all" he said as I nodded.

"I thought something was up. Dont worry I'm going over there today so I'll get him to eat, sleep, and take a shower" I said as Hinata smiles and nods.

"Thanks Kuroo and I were worried about him" he said before he left me alone.

I soon left and started walking to the train with all my stuff for this weekend.

It was about a hour train ride and I already knew the way to Kenmas house, so I started walking that way.

I finally made it to his house and entered and took my shoes off.

I said hello to his parents before going up to his room.

I could hear him talking and I just assumed that it was to his stream.

I knocked on his door softly and waited.

"Come in" he said and I entered.

He turned in his chair and smiles once he saw me.

"Just one more round?" He asked with begging eyes and I nod.

"Of course, but after that its off" I said softly as he nods and does one more round.

After the round he said bye to his stream and shut off his computer.

He looked over at me and I smile at him.

"I missed you" he said as he got up and hugged me.

"I missed you to, but I want you to go take a shower and I will have food ready for you when you get out" I said as Kenma nods.

"Then sleep?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yup. This weekend youre catching up on sleep" I said making him nod and go to the bathroom.

I went downstairs and got the leftover food and began heating it up.

I knew Kenma took short showers so I didn't have a lot of time to heat up the food.

After a few minutes the food was almost heated up.

I got a tray out and put the plate of food on it and got a glass out and poured some water into it.

I went back to Kenmas room and saw that he was already out of the shower and was half way dressed.

He looked over and smiles "Smells good Kags" he said.

"Only the best for you Ken" I said as I waited for him to sit on his bed before putting the tray over his lap.

I began tidied his room while Kenma ate.

"This means a lot to me Kags" he said as I looked at him.

"Its the least I could do Ken" I said as he finished his food and put the tray on the floor.

I got into bed with him after I finished tiding the room.

Kenma cuddled into my chest and soon was out.

I smiled as I played with his hair while I got my phone out.

I texted Hinata and Kuroo tell them that Kenma has eaten, showered, and was currently sleeping.

I then put my phone on the nightstand and fell asleep with Kenma close to me.

Word Count- 718

Hope you guys liked this and thank you guys for over 3000 reads. I didnt think a lot of people would like this, but you guys do. Thank you all.

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